TGS 08: Tokyo Games Show 2008 – The Blowout Info Post

Well, not quite the Tokyo Games Show all of us had in mind.

We had no public showing of Final Fantasy XIII, no public showing of Team ICO’s new game (yet), no unveil of Zone of the Enders 3 and no unveil of Kingdom Hearts III sadly.

What we did have was…well nothing except a keynote dominated agressively by Microsoft and John Schappert with the New Xbox Experience, Tekken 6 coming to the Xbox 360 and Halo 3: Recon shown for the very first time as well as pointing out their long term partnership with Square Enix with showing’s of Star Ocean: The Last Hope and The Last Remnant.

The only real day we had it rain a chock full of info was when TGS actually started and that was on a private day, not during one of the public days when we expected the shit to kick off.

Hopefully, TGS 09 will be alot better then this year and while this year wasn’t bad, it could have done a whole lot better. That said, we still have a shitload of info to dump on you, after the jump.


GOONL!NE’s Coverage of the Tokyo Games Show 2008
The Last Remnant: Tokyo Games Show Trailer
TGS 2008: Tecmo Developing a Exclusive for the PLAYSTATION 3, Quantum Theory
TGS 08: John Schappert Keynote – Details
TGS 08: New Resident Evil 5 Trailer Tonight
RUMOR: TGS 08: Tomonobu Itagaki to Join Microsoft Games Studios
TGS 08: Team ICO’s Game Not at TGS? Sad Face =(
TGS 08: New Resident Evil 5 Trailer
TGS 08: Microsoft’s John Schappert Keynote (with something a little extra in there) – What Happened
TGS 08: RUMOR: Microsoft to Announce External Blu-Ray Drive for Xbox 360
TGS 08: No More Heroes 2 Announced
TGS 08: Halo 3 Recon Announced, Single Player and Multiplayer Expansion in Autumn 09
TGS 08: New Xbox Experience to Launch on November 19th
TGS 08: Tekken 6 Coming to Xbox 360 Next Autumn
TGS 08: Madeleine Reference Taken Out of Halo 3: Recon Trailer
TGS 08: Final Fantasy XIII/Versus XIII Info – Characters Names Revealed
TGS 08: Ninety Nine Nights 2 Revealed
TGS 08: Snake & Sephiroth Sackboys Revealed for LBP = BEST. THING. EVER.
TGS 08: Halo 3: Recon Press Release + Fact Sheet Packshot
TGS 08: Tekken 6 – The Trailer, The Screens, The Press Release
TGS 08: New Final Fantasy XIII Screen + Lightning’s VO Announced
TGS 08: First Details of Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 for the Wii Announced
TGS 08: RUMOR BUSTED: Star Ocean: The Last Hope IS NOT Coming to the PLAYSTATION 3
TGS 08: First Gameplay Footage of Bayonetta
TGS 08: Schappert – I Don’t Know When [GTA 4 DLC] is Coming
TGS 08: Gears of War 2 Goes Gold
TGS 08: World’s First Public Gameplay Footage of Final Fantasy XIII This Sunday
TGS 08: Final Fantasy XIII Premiere…Wasn’t a Premiere
TGS 08: Final Fantasy XIII Demo to Be Limited
TGS 08: Final Fantasy Agito XIII TGS Trailer Leaked

YouTube Channel:

And the videos wont stop with them 5.

From tomorrow, more videos will be going up onto the YouTube channel so you dont wanna miss the updates we have on it.

But yeah, same time next year?