Resistance 2 Given 9/10 from OPM UK in World’s First Review
Okay I promise this is the last one… well, this is the last one come to speak of it.
Anyways, after 2 9′s from Gears of War 2 from OXM and Mirror’s Edge plus an 8 for Tomb Raider Underworld, OPM UK has now seen fit to give Resistance 2 a 9/10.
We gave the multiplayer a good running a while back, it was incredible so based on the mulitplayer right now, the 9 is justified.
Looks like Insomniac Games are going for the gory stuff in Resistance 2 as well now instead of going for the epic thriller or cutesy wutesy stuff they are reknowned for in Ratchet and Clank as we revealed earlier.
OPM #25 (December 2008) – Here Are The Review Scores [PS UK Forums]