GDC 2009: CONFIRMED: Hideo Kojima to Not Show New Game Tomorrow


Anyone of you praying that tomorrow, Hideo Kojima will not only talk about this new game but also show it during his GDC keynote? Get off the floor you fucking fool!

Kojima has said in an IGN interview that the reveal for his next game, be that Metal Gear Solid 5, Zone of the Enders 3 or otherwise, will be at E3 hence ruling out a reveal during his keynote speech tomorrow. That said, although he wont be showing it or revealing it, it wouldnt be out of the question for Kojima to drop a hint or two as to what it is, we’ll see tomorrow.

Kojima is also getting a lifetime achievement award during the awards ceremony that happens during GDC.

GDC 09: New Game from Hideo Kojima [IGN]

One Response to “GDC 2009: CONFIRMED: Hideo Kojima to Not Show New Game Tomorrow”

  1. Says:

    I can tell that this is not the first time at all that you mention this topic. Why have you chosen it again?
