E3 2009: Top 10 Most Antcipated Games of E3 2009 – Part 2
Yesterday, we brought you Part 1 of the top 10 games you should be looking forward to for E3 when it kicks off tomorrow with the Microsoft press conference (be sure to catch our livetext of that) as well as the list of games that didn’t quite make our top 10, but should still keep an eye on. But now, it’s time for the cream of the crop to shine as GOONL!NE picks it’s top 5 antcipated games of E3.
5 – Modern Warfare 2 (PLAYSTATION 3/Xbox 360)
This game just screams “epic win” all over itself and rightly so. Modern Warfare 2 looks set to be just as better as it’s older brother, COD4: Modern Warfare. Plus, with co-op added and a refined multiplayer confirmed with a story set to continue for Modern Warfare, Modern Warfare 2 is certainly a favourite for Game of the Show.
4 – Final Fantasy XIII (PLAYSTATION 3/Xbox 360)
This is the game which could provide some big noises at E3, it certainly did last year. It’s gonna be at E3 this year with a brand new trailer, and here is the kicker, there will be a massive surprise concerning it when its shown. As to what, we dont know, but what we do know is this: it wont be as big as last year, but still big none the less.
This game will officially blow you away when it’s out next year in the West.
3 – Gran Turismo 5 (PLAYSTATION 3)
It’s been a year and a half since Gran Turismo 5: Prologue, you normally get the Prologue when the main release is months away, not that far out between Pro and GT5 itself. But at last, Gran Turismo 5 will almost certainly be shown.
And with an Christmas release a possibillty, that would be a megaton in anybody’s mind. Kazanori Yamauchi and Polyphony Digital have taken their sweet time with the game, but in the long run, it’ll be worth it.
2 – Metal Gear Solid PS3 2 (PLAYSTATION 3)
Needless to say, we dont know what the fuck is going on with this game, we will know everything on Tuesday when the SCEA conference takes place and Wednesday when the Konami conference takes place. What we do know is that this will be a PS3 exclusive that goes side by side with a PSP version according to Hideo Kojima in Famitsu, it will be a PS3 exclusive and it somehow involves Raiden/Gray Fox/Sunny (?)as well as Big Boss.
All will be clear this week at E3.
1 – trICO/Project Trico [Team ICO] (PLAYSTATION 3)
This is the game everyone wants to see and is the game at E3 that will most likely wanna make people go and buy a PS3 straight after E3. Fumito Ueda’s lot should be at the conference and we’ll hopefully get our first proper look at the game on Tuesday when the SCEA conference takes place.
We even got to see our first look nearly two weeks ago thanks to a leaked trailer, but needless to say, we cant wait to see what Ueda-san and co have been up to since that trailer was made nearly two years ago. The wait, Team ICO fans, is almost certainly over.
Tune in tomorrow to see our E3 predictions when it goes live at midday BST, before the big kickoff with the Microsoft press conference and our livetext from 4pm BST.
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This entry was posted on May 31, 2009 at 6:00 pm and is filed under E3 2009, Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 3, Top 10 Antcipated Games of E3 2009, Xbox 360 with tags E3 2009, Final Fantasy XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Metal Gear Solid 5, Microsoft, Modern Warfare 2, Nintendo, Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 3, Sony Computer Entertainment America, Team ICO, TRICO, Xbox 360. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
May 31, 2009 at 6:34 pm
Where is God of War III on this list?
May 31, 2009 at 7:27 pm
May 31, 2009 at 8:33 pm
Here is a competent list:
10. Assassins Creed 2
9. Heavy Rain
8. Final Fantasy Versus 13
7. Bioshock 2
6. Project Trico
5. Modern Warfare 2
4. Metal Gear Solid Project
3. Gran Turismo 5
2. God of War 3
1. Uncharted 2
If you are going to throw in 360 games for the sake of balance at least throw in some Wii games as well. It is obvious that the 360 ineup is no where near capable of producing a top 10 exclusive title. Seriously, even Zelda is more anticipated than any 360 title.
June 1, 2009 at 5:57 am
Yeah, I can this list having one racing game, but three racing games? Yeah, right….