RUMOR: Wayne Rooney to Cover the Boxart of FIFA 10 [UPDATE]

FIFA 10UPDATE: GOONL!NE got in touch with Romily Broad, who is the community manager for EA Sports Football World.

Simply put: not true.


Original Story: If your a Liverpool or Everton fan, basically any Scousers, you may wanna look away now. We’ve just uncovered that Wayne Rooney of Manchester United will be gracing the cover of FIFA 10 in the UK when the game launches in October.

However, we’ve put it down as rumor for now as EA have not confirmed the cover stars for the game. However, it seems to be this year that the cover doesnt star, for once, Ronaldihno of AC Milan who has been on the cover for the past 3 years alongside Rooney as a Brazil and Barcelona player.

The boxart can be seen also for the game on the Wii and every other platform at Game, but we have the Xbox 360 boxart after the jump.

We’ve asked EA to comment on this.

WR Boxart

One Response to “RUMOR: Wayne Rooney to Cover the Boxart of FIFA 10 [UPDATE]”

  1. wayne rooney should not be on the front cover as he is a bad influence on children, as he is constantly seen swearing and drinking. He is also an average footballer, and EA should give a better [english] footballer such as David Beckham the chance to be on the cover
