Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta – Launch Trailer & Achievements

fallout-3Bethesda have released a list of new achievements for Fallout 3, with 4 new achivements being added in total.

As well as that, the developer also released a launch trailer for the DLC.

The Mothership Zeta DLC will be available on this Monday on Xbox Live, costing 800 Microsoft points.

PS3 date to be confirmed.

The new achievements are after the jump.

Achievements from the Examiner. Thanks to Joystiq for the trailer.


Not of This World – 20G
Completed “Not of This World”

Among the Stars – 20G
Completed “Among the Stars”

This Galaxy Ain’t Big Enough… – 40G
Completed “This Galaxy Ain’t Big Enough…”

Alien Archivist – 20G
Collected all Alien Captive Recordings


One Response to “Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta – Launch Trailer & Achievements”

  1. Kamikaze Honda Says:

