playstation-3If you thought the PSPGo was the worst kept secret ever, watch this!

Yet again, the PS3 Slim appears in the news, and every rumor we keep hearing of , it’s almost like it’s shouting to us “we’re fucking real, get the fucking hint!”.

And we are — and thereforth — so are Amazon.

And of all the places too, . The retailer website has a listing for the new PS3 SKU, but no price or date has appeared for the console.

Of course, we’ll not take this as a coincidence. Sony’s press conference in Cologne at GAMEScom is only 3 weeks away. You’d be a fool to bet against a reveal in Germany this month, alongside a price-cut for the big fat PS3 right now.

2 Responses to “RUMOR: Amazon Germany Get the Jump on PS3 Slim, List it on Website”

  1. bob Says:

    Whilst this does seem to increase the chances the ps3 slim will debut at gamescom, i think i will hold off from jumping on that bus for now and just ‘hope’ it will make an appearance, with the long awaited price cut of course.

  2. bob Says:

    Just to add more fuel to the fire with more ps3 related news –

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