Welcome to Gamzsone V3…

Well folks, we’re finally here.

After doing a public beta last year on Freewebs, I felt we may have done it but something arose which led the June 2nd date been called off that we planned since September 2006. But we’ve been planning it for nearly 2 years now and only started the site in March 2007 (on Freewebs) only to start again in October 2007 with Blogger.

But we’re here and also is our YouTube page who we did a beta test on as well during last year. We did a 2 month trial on how our videos could cope on the channel as well as another beta during last year’s E3. Of course the last recent video was the box art unveiling of GTAIV.

But now, we can add more extensive videos to it.

Now…there are a few things I need to point out.

1st off, we have forums made, just not designed. Infact, they may not be used at all if we decide not to. Just use comments instead.

And 2nd, just like Ryan, our new member wont be here off the bat. Also, I forgot to point out that he wouldn’t have a main editibngng role like me, Ryan or Brendan. Just a reviewer for the PlayStation 3 with me.

3rd and finally, we had planned for a Gamzsone FM radio station linked somewhat to my Last FM profile but that has been scrapped.

Anyways we hope you enjoy the site.