PLAYSTATION 3 Firmware 2.50 Detailed

Guess what, PS3 owners, its time for another Firmware update with 2.50.

The last Firmware which was Firmware 2.40 came out in July with the most antcipated features for the PS3 since it’s release in July, Trophies and In-Game XMB.

But the demand was there so much for it and a couple of bugs meant that FW 2.40 had to be pulled from the servers for a while until a fix was issued meaning anybody who hadn’t downloaded 2.40 were stuck on 2.36 until 2.41 came out.

As for this firmware, it has a great deal of stuff which will highly amuse a lot of PS3 owners.

The list of feature is after the jump.

First off, there will be support of the new PS Bluetooth headset which will be bundled with SOCOM: US Navy Seals Confrontation which is out tomorrow in the US so we expect this Firmware to be out tomorrow somewhat.

Also included is enhancements to the PS3 trophies system which shows a little icon of your level and percentage level for your trophies which also carries over to the comparisons with your friends trophies.

Also included are Power Saving Settings which allows you to turn off your PS3 and controller off after a set time which means if your out at the computer for an hour, your PS3 could be told to turn itself off if inactive for an hour.

And as well as that, you get Background Downloading. While this has been in the PS3 since a Firmware update many moons before, if you turn off your PS3 while downloading something, the download will continue, similar to that of the Xbox 360.

Finally, and probably the best feature of the lot, is the abillty to take in-game screenshots throughout the games you have on your PS3 but it’s a game by game basis which means it wont be supportable unless developers wish to include it but a list of games which do include it will be published very soon.

There are many more features and small things which haven’t been announced yet (like possibly in-game cross chat) but for now, this firmware is a seriously good one so look for the download when it goes up which should be tomorrow due ot the BT Headset support with SOCOM which is out in the US tomorrow.

Firmware Updates: PS3 (v2.50) / PSP (v5.00)