Mass Effect 2 – First Gameplay Screens

Mass Effect 2
We’ve managed to take the first real time shots of Mass Effect 2, both in-game cutscenes and gameplay, taken from the Mass Effect 2 prelude video leading up to E3. It’s the first time there has been proper screenshots on the net from Mass Effect 2, and there certainly will be more in the run up to E3 itself when it kicks off in the first week of June between June 2nd and June 4th.

We’ll hopefully also know more from Microsoft’s E3 press conference from June 1st as well as EA’s press conference that same day itself.

The game is out early next year, Q1 2010, for the Xbox 360.

6 Responses to “Mass Effect 2 – First Gameplay Screens”

  1. Jonathan Cullen Says:

    Is it just me or do I get a Dead Space feel from this screen:

    Maybe its the suit…

  2. Lol Says:

    What horrible pics, terribly artificated, did you seriously just press print screen when you were watching the vid?

  3. gam3raxis Says:

    no, not dead space…

    deadspace (from these screenshots) looks FAR better and more atmospheric, lol i’m a deadspace fanboy!

    so much so that i’m buying a wii just for extraction. (and red steel two)

  4. WelcomeTo2003 Says:

    The video it came from isn’t much better, this game looks incredibly bland. It is early… but still there is hardly anything interesting shown from this game yet.

    soooooooooooo boring.

  5. aguy Says:

    at least there wasn’t an hour long elevator ride…

  6. Theodore Says:

    I really liked part one. I am so anxious for part two and I am so sure part three will be great as well. I hope to see more details on part 2 and 3 soon.
