Resistance 2 Space Coming to Home


Sony’s announced that Resistance 2 Home space which was due for the service a while back is coming to Home. The space will be based on a co-op level in Chicago, the subway level of the game.

And the first 3,000 people who redeem a special code will get a free Resistance t-shirt for Home.

Find the press release after the jump.

Resistance Space Opens in PlayStation®Home

Defend Chicago Station from Chimera attack in the new Resistance Space: it’s fast, ferocious and free!

London, 20th May 2009: We knew that the Chimera advanced swiftly but we didn’t know it was this bad: the news just in is that the power-hungry wretches have attacked PlayStation®Home, the free, interactive space for PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) users. This new area in Home features a recreation of the Chicago Railway Station level from the current PS3 hit Resistance™2, which sees America under siege from the Chimeran hordes. Your challenge is to fend off wave after wave of Chimeran aerial forces with a single weapon. It’s not just any weapon, though: it’s a four-barrelled, quick-repeating turret gun.

You can find your way to the new Resistance Space via the PlayStation®Home World Map. It pays to be swift: there’s a poster in the space displaying a promotional code – and the first 3,000 users to redeem the code will get a free Resistance T-shirt for their customisable PlayStation®Home avatar.

The Resistance Space will be a gated area open only to users aged 18 or older.