E3 2009: Microsoft’s E3 Press Conference to Kick Off Earlier Due To “special addition” [UPDATE]


UPDATE: Geoff Keighley’s .

Original Story: Microsoft’s sent out an urgent email to anybody attending their E3 conference tonight at 6:30pm BST, stating it will kick off earlier then that by 5 minutes, up to 6:25pm BST/10:25am PST/1:25pm EST. The reason? According to of Gamertag Radio, it’s for a “special addition”.

We should know more on this soon.

But our livetext will still go live at 4pm BST. Dont miss it.

2 Responses to “E3 2009: Microsoft’s E3 Press Conference to Kick Off Earlier Due To “special addition” [UPDATE]”

  1. Halo Reach?

    EDIT: Actually, this happened last year and look what happened, Final Fantasy XIII.

    This year: Versus XIII?

  2. this year it’s not mgs.
