E3 2009: Modern Warfare 2 Fans “Wont Want to Miss MS Briefing” According to Keighley


Looking forward to Modern Warfare 2? You dont wanna miss the MS E3 conference tonight, thats according to a rather from GameTrailers TV presenter, Geoff Keighley. In it, he states:

Gloomy day in LA, but it’s off to the Xbox press briefing I go. Modern Warfare 2 fans won’t want to miss it.

Our guess? Multiplayer beta, like 2 years ago with Call of Duty 4.

The shitstorm kicks off in just little under 3 hours, but we kick off in litte over half an hour with our livetext. Dont miss it.

One Response to “E3 2009: Modern Warfare 2 Fans “Wont Want to Miss MS Briefing” According to Keighley”

  1. aguy Says:

    nothing but a live display….lame
