E3 2009: RUMOR: Gran Turismo 5 E3 Showing in Doubt


Looking forward to Polyphony Digital at E3? To be specfic, looking forward to seeing Gran Turismo 5 at Sony’s press conference tomorrow? Well, stop right there, you may wanna sit down and put your hands on your arse, your not gonna like this.

VG247 has learnt that anyone looking to speak to Polyphony’s Kazunori Yamauchi have been told to not have any questions concerning Gran Turismo 5. Which now means the only GT game being announced is Gran Turismo Mobile for the PSP. Of course, like Fumito Ueda and Team ICO, Yamauchi and Polyphony take their time with GT games to make it perfect, however it’s been 3 years since we heard anything from the house that built GT.

We’ve contacted SCEE to see whats going on.

Sony’s press conference is tomorrow night from 7pm BST, catch the livetext from 6pm BST.

One Response to “E3 2009: RUMOR: Gran Turismo 5 E3 Showing in Doubt”

  1. aguy Says:

    with prolouge selling like it did, I almost guarentee you WILL see gt5 at E3, if not this would be the first in years to not show GT….
