343 Industries Formed to Oversee Halo Series

master-chiefMicrosoft have formed a brand new 1st party studio known as 343 Industries, formed specfically to oversee the Halo series.

The studio will be headed by ex-Bungie alumni, Frankie O’Connor.

If you look at how George Lucas held on to Star Wars, not just to make money from action figures but to control the direction the universe went in, you can see why we think it’s pretty vital. Luckily, Microsoft has the resources to enable us to do that.

More at the LA Times.

We assume this is also now the same studio former id developer Corrine Yu and former Kojima Productions vet Ryan Payton are now posted under, the latter being attached to the mysterious Halo: Chronicles, the project from Peter Jackson.

It was 10 years to the day yesterday since the original Halo was announced.