Next PS3 Firmware To Bring Cross-Game Chat

ps3 slim

Sony will love Naughty Dog developer ReklissAbandon for this as today on the US PlayStation Forums today, he made the following post:

“I think they wanted people to have fun and enjoy the show since all dead players can talk to each other no matter what team you are on. But I will suggest it anyway. Not to mention that the next PS3 firmware update is going to allow cross game chat. So if players use that instead of in game communication then they would also be able to communicate enemies’ positions.”

No date was given for the firmware but rumours point to it coming at the end of October. Additionally, the post on the PS Forums has since been deleted, hinting that ReklissAbandon said something he really ought not to have.

2 Responses to “Next PS3 Firmware To Bring Cross-Game Chat”

  1. Yeaaaaaaah, finally. I have the official keypad, so it would be nice for me!

  2. This cross game chat is really very useful feature I believe that when using this feature user enjoy .Thanks to Sony for providing this featured into it
