Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is Playable Start to Finish

Good news for anyone who has a PS3 (Like moi) and anybody who likes MGS (Again, like moi). Very recently, the old MGS4 is Heading to Xbox 360 rumor arised but that was dissmissed again…and on show at the most recent CES2008 show was a English verison of the TGS demo of Metal Gear Solid 4.

But, hey everybody, a shining light of good news has arised! And it comes from the most recent Kojima Productions podcast!

Ryan Peyton, Assistant Producer on MGS4 & Host of the Kojima Productions Podcast.

Mr. Kojima of all people is really committed to the date because he really hates to disappoint people, and I know he is embarrassed by what happened with the 2007 slip into 2008

Which means that right now, it’s playable from start to finish with a Q2 2008 release projected

Also, according to ShackNews, Kojima Productions as well as publisher of MGS4, Konami, are planning a Gears of War esique Emergince Day marketing strategy where Konami announce a full blown release date for the game as well as the main gist of the plot and artwork/packging for the game.

Sadly for Brendan, it wont be coming to Xbox 360. Instead its a PS3 exclusive (Although I wouldn’t mind if it came to 360, I’d get it for achievements)

MGS4 also comes with a starter pack of MGO 2, also known as Metal Gear Online 2. MGO made it’s debut during the release of MGS3: Subsistance.

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots playable from start to finish [GamesRadar via Next Generation]