New Team Fortress 2 Maps Coming…But Unconfirmed for PS3 & 360

Shacknews has been touch with Valve about details concerning the new maps and achievements for Team Fortress 2, due sometime in the next 2 months. Robin Walker of Valve told Shacknews that them maps and achievements are coming within them 2 months. Now of course, V3 is a console blog, so whats this to do with the site?


TF2 is in The Orange Box for PS3 and Xbox 360. But yet, them maps (and for the 360, them achievements) has been unconfirmed as of yet.

It’s a large scale modification to the core of the game. “It’ll debut in a limited fashion through the Medic first, but it’ll be affecting all classes eventually.”

“We’re really looking forward to the community reaction. We’re really excited about where TF2 will be going over the next year.”

That was what Walker had to say about it before Shack later edited their post about the PS3 and 360 details.

Team Fortress 2 is a highly addictive MP game which I cant recomend enough for PS3 or 360 (I have it for both as part of The Orange Box :p) so if these new maps come for the consoles, thats great. But I’d like to see these new achievements implamented in the 360 verison as I have nearly done all the achievements for Team Fortress 2 on 360.

None the less, get The Orange Box for either the PS3, 360 or PC, its a bargin well worth getting, just for Portal…and TF2 of course.

New TF2 PC Maps, Achievements and ‘Large Scale’ Gameplay Shift Within 2 Months [Shacknews]