TGS 08: RUMOR: Microsoft to Announce External Blu-Ray Drive for Xbox 360

According to a report, Microsoft will be getting a external Blu-Ray player for the Xbox 360. Samsung-Toshiba Storage Technology Corp have been in contact with Microsoft to develop the Blu-Ray player for the Xbox 360. As for the price they are aiming to sell the player with, it’ll be around $100 – $150.

It comes after the format war ended in February after HD-DVD admitted defeat in it’s battle with Sony and while Toshiba outright refuses to recognise Blu-Ray, they are in a voint venture with Samsung to develop the external Blu-Ray player.

We’ll know more about it very soon, John Scappert is about to take the stage for his keynote at the Tokyo Games Show. You can follow it right here.

X360 getting external Blu-ray – report [Eurogamer]