You Have Radiohead in My LittleBigPlanet

The beta maybe ending tonight but we can still tell some news from it…or rather tell you a level which is seriously full of win in my book anyways.

Someone has only gone and created a level in LittleBigPlanet based on the song No Surprises by my favourite band, Radiohead from their 1997 album, OK Computer.

I have had the joy of playing this level before the video was posted (Said video is after the jump) so watch the video first then if you have time, go on LBP and search for No Surprises.

Vid is after the jump, game is out on PS3 on October 24th.


One Response to “You Have Radiohead in My LittleBigPlanet”

  1. I didn’t understand what looked so great about LittleBigPlanet, so I don’t plan on buying it. By the way, Radiohead is ok,, but I’m not a rock fan.
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