New Xbox Experience Launches

nxe4 months after it was announced and revealed at E3 2008, Microsoft has finally taken the wraps off and released into the wild the New Xbox Experience for the Xbox 360.

The service launched at 10:0am GMT, 5:00am EST on the US East Coast and 2:00am PST on the US West Coast.

As of yet, the update hasn’t come to my Xbox 360 yet but Microsoft has said it will be a rolling launch so it will take a few hours before it gets to all Xbox 360 owners around the world.

We wrote part 1 out of a 2 part preview on the NXE, it’s on the site here. Part 2 was meant to be up last night but WordPress screwed us in the arse, we couldn’t even post anything on the GOONL!NE awards (that will be fixed today) but we will be posting Part 2 later on this afternoon and our impressions of the NXE tonight, pending if we don’t get distracted by it.