gamesTM Issue 80 Review Scores


The brand new issue of gamesTM just came out and we have the review scores for you to see.

Unlike Edge, which gave the game a 7/10, Killzone 2 has been given a 8/10 compared to Halo Wars 7/10 in both Edge and gamesTM which is a direct switch of Edge.

However, Killzone 2 is not the best score in the magazine, that goes to Disgaea 3 for the PLAYSTATION 3 with a 9/10.

Full scores after the jump with the bolded ones being ones that bare importance.

Halo Wars - 7/10
House of the Dead: Overkill - 6/10

Race Pro - 5/10
Killzone 2 - 8/10
Disgaea 3 - 9/10
Let’s Tap - 6/10
FEAR 2 - 8/10
Tenchu: Shadow Assassins - 6/10
Necrovision - 4/10
Tornado - 2/10
Bomberman 2 - 7/10
Deadly Creatures - 6/10
Crayon Physics Deluxe - 8/10
Rise Of The Argonauts - 4/10
Dissidia: Final Fantasy - 8/10

6 Responses to “gamesTM Issue 80 Review Scores”

  1. Why do you guys keep trying to compare KZ2 with Halo Wars? Ones a FPS and the other is an RTS. KZ2 isn’t even out yet and its been proven that the controls are terrible, just like in KZ1. Why not compare it to Halo ODST?

  2. Passerotto Says:

    simply the worst

  3. Us?

    I think you mean them. (unless you aimed that at gTM in which case, ignore this)

    And besides, from what I have played, I wouldnt think Halo Wars is being compared to Killzone 2, more or less, I’d think Killzone 2 would be compared to FEAR 2.

    That said, I played the demo for Halo Wars before it was publically released and it really impressed me.

    I may just go out and buy it with Killzone 2.

  4. Mike. Why are you highlighting that KZ2’s controls are horrible when over 90% of the reviews online have given the game 90% and more? Have you played the demo yet? Cos I suggest you witness things first hand and stop behaving like a sheep or a moany gamer who’s not even tried it. All you have to do is adjust the x and y sensitivity in game options (same as COD4, Halo3, Bioshock, etc) and you choose one of the controller setups - alternative 2 is closest to COD4. I’d like to give Halo Wars a try too.

  5. Also (and thanks to Julian for pointing this out to me, never noticed), while I dont think Killzone’s controls are the best, it does take time adjusting to them.

    The same could be said for the beta as well as the demo although the beta was months ago and by then, they have made adjustments to the game.

    And besides, you dont like the controls, adjust them to the style you can play it as like COD4. If you still dont like it, dont buy the game.

  6. @Julian : the controls for kl2 are indeed terrible because there is a delay in it. heck there is a delay in everything you do, even in the menu’s. this is related to the anti aliasing been turned on with all the effects. the ps3 is hurt heavenly due to this. the developers have now already confirmed that there is a problem with the controls : let me quote ” EDIT-6: Sorry for the delay from me folks. Been very busy this week and wont be around tomorrow, so wanted to pop by quickly and let you in on my current thinking. At present we are leaning more and more towards a demo specific issue. Why or how this might have happened is unclear, but there just have been a couple too many internal sightings of more lag experienced on the demo than in the full game from disc. When I have an official answer I’ll let you know, but right now it looks like this is a non-issue on the full game. We’ll of course continue to look into this.

    view that as well @

    just because a lot of reviewers do not mention it upfront does not mean there is no problem. most of those reviewers are pushed by the publisher to not be negative otherwise they will not receive any stuff from them anymore. that is how the game is played and you fall for it. just open your eyes and see what is really going on then just point sum reviews as a blind fanboy…

    the game is looking fat but the problems with the controls are there and are addressed by a lot of people on the internet. 219.000 pages on google says a lot right ?