Official MAG Website Launches
Sony has sent word that the official website for MAG is now online for your viewing pleasure. There isnt anything there, at least noticeable, to see but at the front page, you see a world map with a scroller. Point it towards the Russian border (we think, our geo, not good so) and it gets more orange, it even shows a screenshot or two, but we cant tell if their new or not, its a blink or you’ll miss moment.
The game’s out (maybe) this year for PLAYSTATION 3, it’s developed by Zipper Interactive, the guys who created SOCOM and was revealed at the end of Sony’s press conference at E3 last July.
April 8, 2009 at 1:17 am
There are also pictures that flash near the western border of alaska and western portion of south america.
April 12, 2009 at 11:32 pm
this game will revolutionize the fps world. i am an owner of an xbox360 and i am STILL excited to see where this game goes and how the game play will be.