Fourth BioShock 2 Developer Added – Arkine Studios

bioshock-2-logoArkine Studios has announced that it’ll be contribtuting to the develoment of BioShock 2. It now makes Arkine the fourth studio to be working on the game alongside 2k Marin, 2k Austraila, Digital Extremes and now, Arkine.

It’s confirmed on it’s website.

Alyssa Finley, 2k Marin producer said that Arkine are assistning in making “levels that embody the aesthetic and gameplay ideals that make BioShock such a unique and exciting experience”.

Under the direction and leadership of 2K Marin, Arkane is assisting in the creation of levels that embody the aesthetic and gameplay ideals that make BioShock such a unique and exciting experience”

Game’s out on October 30th for PS3 and 360 in Europe, Novemer 3rd in the US.

From VG247.

One Response to “Fourth BioShock 2 Developer Added – Arkine Studios”

  1. lotta cooks in that kitchen…
