The Beatles: Rock Band – GOONL!NE Celebrates The Fab Four in Fashion

Beatles Rock Band

By Jonathan Cullen

So 9/9/09 has passed.

Nothing catastrophic has happened. In fact, even if it was just for a day,music was reborn with The Beatles.

Their 13 remastered albums hit shops yesterday from Rubber Soul, Yellow Submarine and The White Album to Sgt Pepper, Let it Be and my personal favourite, Abbey Road. But of course, we’re here to cover The Beatles: Rock Band, the first band specific Rock Band game from Harmonix.

Just to clarify, this ain’t a review. This is actually to tell you how GOONL!NE is celebrating Paul, John, George and Ringo.

First off, you may notice that a massive banner representing the boxart of the game is on our site with our logo on it. You may remember we did this last year with several games like LittleBigPlanet, Fable II and Far Cry 2. We intend to do the same thing this year, and The Beatles: Rock Band is the start of that, but not just because of the fact it has own game now, more the fact of the music.

As for the banners, I’ll releasing a list of games that will have this treatment on my Ed Blog near the launch of a certain upcoming game.

Secondly, our review of the game. EA have finally sent us code for the game and it WILL be reviewed as the weekend ends. I personally will be reviewing the game and cant wait to give you the score at the weekend. One thing I do know about the review is this – I’m pretty certain the game will score very high (and I haven’t recieved review code yet).

For now, read the preview.

Thirdly, Abbey Road will be released as the first full album for the game as DLC. To let you know what you can expect, I will be reviewing the album on the Ed Blog as well before the end of the weekend. I’ll stick it at the end of the review of Beatles: Rock Band review, so you don’t have to go looking for it.

Finally, to end festivities, all of the GOONL!NE staff will be voicing their opinion on the Ed Blog as to what their top 3 Beatles songs are. That will also be up before the end of the weekend.

That should be it then.

Until Radiohead: Rock Band is released, The Beatles: Rock Band’s release has made me so excited for music again in a way that has never been possible since Radiohead released In Rainbows in 2007. Hopefully, Beatlemania has strucken you as well.

Jonathan Cullen,
Managing Editor, GOONL!NE .