Operation Flashpoint DLC ‘In A Matter Of Weeks’

Dragon Rising

You might have played the game and read our review, but it’s not the end of the game. In an interview with the Telegraph, Sion Lenton revealed that DLC is due in a matter of weeks:

“We’ve got some very ambitious plans with DLC – our first pack is coming up in a matter of weeks. We’ll also have title updates coming up because once the game’s out there, we’ll need to get feedback from the people who are playing it, and if need be make a few adjustments and tweaks.”

Rumor is the first batch of DLC will be free, but one thing we do know is that Codemasters are still working hard on the server issues, and have reported that “Early analysis this morning (UK time) suggests that the situation is improving and we are now seeing considerably fewer dropouts. Working closely with our partners has enabled us to identify some of the root causes and we continue to work to address and fix them.

The whole interview is HERE