Kojima To Create New Game After MGS Rising and Peace Walker


Say the name Hideo Kojima to a gamer and what’ll spring to mind is Metal Gear for most. His legacy is huge, spanning almost 20 titles to date but after he’s finished with Metal Gear Solid: Rising and Peace Walker, that’s him done and dusted with the series.

Speaking to the EU PlayStation Blog, Kojima offered some insight into what he has planned for the future:

“It will be kind of too late if I start thinking about after I’ve finished with Peace Walker and Rising. I’ll probably have to plan before. But I always want to do my next original title and that’s always on my mind. And, as I said before, I could kind of produce some other titles such as Zone of the Enders and I will like to plan that doing the producer side and also creating my original new title.”

Metal Gear Solid: Rising will launch on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 but the release date is still TBA.