RUMOR: Mass Effect 2 “probably” Coming to PS3, Says BioWare

Mass Effect 5

Take with a pinch of salt, as always.

At a Polish Gaming Event (from Polygamia), Bioware employee Jay Watamanyuk, who is a writer on Mass Effect 2, said that the game would be for Xbox 360, PC and “probably the PS3.” However, Watamanyuk then reverted to the old speech of “The studio doesn’t comment on rumors and speculation.”


The game’s out on the Xbox 360 in January  2010.

One Response to “RUMOR: Mass Effect 2 “probably” Coming to PS3, Says BioWare”

  1. It’s unavoidable, EA need to sell it across all platforms to make ir profitable.

    Today it’s 50/50 split between Xbox and PS3, but a year from now, with the Xbox on decline, and the PS3 on the way up, it’s more likely to be 60/40 in favor of PS3. You can’t afford not to support PS3 anymore…
