Xbox LIVE coming to Windows Phone 7 Series

Microsoft have today announced at Mobile World Congress that their new upcoming phone OS, Windows Phone 7 Series, will have Xbox LIVE support.

“For the first time ever, Microsoft will bring together Xbox LIVE games and the Zune music and video experience on a mobile phone, exclusively on Windows Phone 7 Series… [and] customers will be able to purchase the first phones in stores by holiday 2010,” says the PR.

Microsoft goes on to detail: “This hub delivers the first and only official Xbox LIVE experience on a phone, including Xbox LIVE games, Spotlight feed and the ability to see a gamer’s avatar, Achievements and gamer profile. With more than 23 million active members around the world, Xbox LIVE unlocks a world of friends, games and entertainment on Xbox 360, and now also on Windows Phone 7 Series.”

[Via CVG]