Gamzsone V3′s Top 20 Games of 2008: Honorable Mentions

I’m pretty certain that there are a fair bit of games on our list, some great, some debateable and 2 of them…Grand Theft Auto IV and Metal Gear Solid 4…will be corkers, that much is a given.

But what about the games that never made our list that should get an “honorable mention”? Lets see shall we? Here are 10 games that…just never quite made it.

- Splinter Cell: ConViction (Xbox 360)
- Fallout 3 (Playstation 3 and Xbox 360)
- Too Human (Xbox 360)
- Haze (Playstation 3)
- Unreal Tournament 3 (Xbox 360)
- Final Fantasy XIII (Playstation 3 [It's here and not the list because its 09, not 08 but in the unlikely case it is 08, its here])
- Final Fantasy Versus XIII (Playstation 3)
- Battlefield: Bad Company (Playstation 3 & Xbox 360)
- Legendary: The Box (Playstation 3 & Xbox 360)
- Prototype (Playstation 3 & Xbox 360)

Those games, while not on the same level as our top 20, are certainly buys. So…lets insert the final puzzle…what is Gamzsone’s No. 1 Game of 2008? Check back in a few…