TGS 08: Microsoft’s John Schappert Keynote (with something a little extra in there) – What Happened

The new Halo 3 expansion, New Xbox Experience and…Tekken 6. What happened at that keynote? Find out after the jump.

2:56am: ‘Allo ‘Allo

2:58am: Schappet is due on stage in an hour but first, lets hear from Square Enix main honcho, Yoichi Wada, he is about to give a keynote right now any minute, let’s see if anything big comes out of it.

3:02am: Ooh, the Wada keynote has been underway for sometime.


Anyways, so far, he mumbled on about stuff as well as shown a trailer for Star Ocean: The Last Hope for the Xbox 360.

3:06am: He’s showing some slides about something right now but nobody seems to know what it is.

3:08am: Uh oh. Wada aint gonna be the saviour of the Japanese development industry right now.

“Standardization of interface can be misunderstood as standardization of content. ” – Yuichi Wada

3:10am: Wada’s left the stage? Oh dear chum, poor show.

3:16am: Hold on, Wada came back on stage for a panel with COO’s of Capcom and Namco Bandai.

Needless to say, boring stuff will happen but we’ll keep an eye on it.

3:21am: They’re about the Japanese economy and stuff like that as well as say that their product is better then each other.

3:27am: Schappert is on in about half an hour’s time but them 3 from Square Enix, Namco and Capcom are still yapping and they’re talking about which markets are the strtongest for them.

3:42am: They are still talking about the economy and how that stuff…*yawn*

3:47am: Woah. If this is true, call off all bets for MGS4 not coming to the 360. Check the front page in just a minute and you’ll see what I mean.

4:03am: That big old disscusion has ended…it’s SCHAPPERT TIME!

GOONL!NE Presents Tokyo Games Show 2008: Microsoft’s John Schappert Keynote – A Canvas to the World

4:06am: A trailer for The Last Remnant is playing.

4;08am: Schappert is now on stage and is talking about his heroes in gaming ike Miyamoto and talking about his days as a Super Famicom developer.

4:09am: He needs three things to let gaming developers tell great gaming stories.

  • World class development tools.
    Online service, worldwide social community
    Affordable next generation entertainment

He’s now talk about the price cuts that have come into force in the US, UK and Japan recently with over the 360 sales up fivefold.

4:12am: He’s now showing a line-up of games coming to the 360 in Japan including The Last Remnant, Infinite Undiscovery, Fallout 3, Fable II and Star Ocean: The Last Hope.

4:15am: Trailer for Star Ocean ends and the game is out in 09, Schappert says. Yah, wii new tht. Anyways, what we didnt know is that it’ll be out in February in Japan and March 3rd in North America.

Onwards and upwards now, Biohazard 5 from Capcom. BTW, for anybody who doesn’t know, this is the Japanese name for Resident Evil 5.

The new trailer is been shown, this one here.

4:21am: It seem Eurogamer are oblivious as to who the dude in the suit and glasses are in the Resident Evil 5 trailer.

Anyways, trailer’s over.

Game is out on March 12th in Japan, March 13th in Europe.


Tekken 6 is going to the Xbox 360, days after it was announced that the new arcade verison would be going to the PLAYSTATION 3.

Now we’re rolling!

It’s not exclusive to the system but it is the Bloodline Rebellion verison which was revealed just a couple of days ago but it will be launched the same day and date as the PS3 verison and it will be Live enabled.

4:26am: Now we’ve moved onto Xbox Live Arcade and it’s been announced that Space Invaders Xtreame will be coming to XBLA, it was released already for the PSP and DS.

As well as that, you get Metal Slug 7, King of Fighters 98: Ulitmate Match with KoF coming in Spring 09.

4:29am: Now we move onto Xbox Live Community Games.

4:31am: And we swiftly move onto the NXE. Big announcement coming? They are showing off the final verison which is gonna be available when it’s available to download.

4:34am: He’s showing off the new blades system showing themes, Achievements etc etc.

“We’re taking Themes to the next level” – John Scappert

4:37am: We seem to missed out on a bit of big info back a couple of minutes ago.

Before the Tekken announcement, it was announced that Ninety Nine Nights 2 is coming to the 360, developed by Q Studios.

Anyways, back to the NXE, they’ve shown a Bill Gates avatar with the “I’m a PC” quote…wow. They’re now on the Showtime channel (The’ve been talking about channels for the NXE for the past few minutes) also stating the new Game Launcher will let you boot up any game you have installed on your HDD (Of coruse, you need the disc first)

4:40am: CONFIRMED: NXE to Launch on November 19th

Yip, there you have it folks.

And for any Halo fans…get pumped! Your next!

They’re now talking about Ensemable Studios Halo Wars (RIP)

Graeme Devine for Ensamble joins Schappert on stage to talk about it.

4:42am: A trailer of the game is being shown.

4:43am: A demo is now taking place live on stage.

Cant wait for Halo Wars now, not a RTS person but I really cant wait for it now.


4:46am: Demo ends but no specfic dat yet, still 2009.


4:48am: BUNGIE TIME!

“We aren’t quite done with Halo 3 yet” – John Schappert

A new Keep it Clean trailer is being shown, it continues directly on from the first trailer.

One of them pods which was in the last trailers has crashed into a building creating all sorts of chaos. New stuff is being talked about. The pod contains the UNSC clean up crew…but for what?

Halo 3 Recon

With a new hero and a new campaign, coming Fall 2009.

4:51am: It’s a prologue to Halo 3 with the main character being a UNSC marine. New multiplayer maps coming with it as well.

4:52am: Looks like he’s wrapping up.

4:53am: He’s wrapped up, thats it.

Overall, a great performance from Microsoft but you cant help but feel, it could have been better. Still, good showing by MS. Tekken 6 coming to the 360, Halo 3: Recon, NXE is coming on November 19th.

Thanks for being with us this morning, I’m off to publish some stories and get some videos on the YouTube channel.

See ya.

4 Responses to “TGS 08: Microsoft’s John Schappert Keynote (with something a little extra in there) – What Happened”

  1. [...] GOONL!NE « TGS 08: Microsoft’s John Schappert Keynote (with something a little extra in there)…… [...]

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  3. [...] Games Studios TGS 08: Team ICO’s Game Not at TGS? Sad Face =( TGS 08: New Resident Evil 5 Trailer TGS 08: Microsoft’s John Schappert Keynote (with something a little extra in there) – What Happene… TGS 08: RUMOR: Microsoft to Announce External Blu-Ray Drive for Xbox 360 TGS 08: No More Heroes 2 [...]

  4. [...] year’s keynote was done by John Schappert who was at the time of the keynote corporate vice president of [...]
