Big Changes Coming

Words can not tell you how much change that is gonna come around this place.

Granted, it will take time but you’ll notice an improvement very soon and while we aint gonna reveal everything just yet, here’s a couple of things that will get you started.

First off, on November 14th, we’re gonna finally be opening our forums to you so you can get the best community experience out of it.

But thats not all.

Tomorrow, we’ll be publishing a couple of serious previews on the site and while we have done previews before (The beta for LittleBigPlanet recently), never have we published so many previews in the one month, let alone one week.

Some hands on, some not.


  • Call of Duty 5: World at War (Multiplayer)
  • Valkyria Chornicles
  • Motorstorm: Pacific Rift
  • Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 (Days Before Release)

And some not so much hands on like:

  • Gears of War 2
  • Mirror’s Edge
  • Far Cry 2
  • Fallout 3

And there is one more game up for preview, not a hands on preview but still, a preview none the less. I aint gonna say it but the pic below certainly gives it away or will at least give you a serious hint.

So you may wanna stick around folks, it’s only starting to get interesting.