RUMOR: Killzone 2 Given a February 20th Date


“Keep your eyes peeled on Februrary 20th for now”

Thats what one retailer said when referred to about the Killzone 2 release date.

GOONL!NE can reveal that Sony has given the game a possible February 20th date for the game according to 3 big retailers Gamestop, Game and HMV.

It comes off the back of Gamespot, on their On The Spot program, saying that the game will be released on Februrary 17th in the US after showing off a portion of the multiplayer beta live on air during On The Spot last night.

SCEE is still to say anything about, we’ll get in touch with them very soon on the subject.

Killzone 2 is in a multiplayer beta right now and it’s praises are being sung from rooftop to rooftop right now so this is one of the must buy PS3 titles next year.

4 Responses to “RUMOR: Killzone 2 Given a February 20th Date”

  1. [...] 6 months from March 2009 where it’s believed to be tied in with the launch of Killzone 2 on Februrary 20th. As well as that, David Reeves, the president of SCEE, was on stage where he announce that SCEE was [...]

  2. Sony Give No Comment to Killzone 2 Date « GOONL!NE Says:

    [...] got in touch with Sony to confirm if Killzone 2 would indeed be given a February 20th date like we mentioned on Friday but all we got was a “No Comment”, [...]

  3. [...] The release date comes as Gamespot said a couple of weeks back that Killzone 2 would be released on February 17th in the US while GOONL!NE stated that in Europe, the game would get a February 20th release date. [...]

  4. [...] game, which was given many dates including February 6th, February 20th and even a day before the 25th, on February [...]
