New Killzone 2 Patch Released: Controls Slightly Refined


Killzone 2, just released last week for PLAYSTATION 3, is simply a great game and we love it to bits. Go read our review and find out why.

But people have been bitching about the controls alot since last week from stating they need changing to input lag and more. Well, one of them issues is now gone thanks to the latest update, Uodate 1.20.

GameZine got word that the controls were slighty tweaked and that input lag has now been removed. GOONL!NE can confirm that to test out these tweaked controls (and get two trophies in the process of playing through the second level of the game, Blood Meridan) that such tweaks have been made.

The full patch notes for Update 1.20 are after the jump.

# Stability issue regarding randomly named games resolved.
# Stability fix when rapidly tapping (X) can cause crash on spawn-select.
# Stability issue regarding Saboteur’s disguise ability resolved.
# Stability fix on ‘Creating game’ with a blank name.
# Stability fix for repeatedly entering exiting game.
# The Ignore list functionality corrected.
# Unlock of “Frontrunner” Medal now functioning correctly.
# Fix for incorrect award of win to clan not showing for game resolved.
# Battle Replay for Corinth Crossing not appearing correctly on
# Issue with not being able to defuse the Search and Destroy objective resolved.
# HUD issue correction during Assassination mode when playing as a Medic.
# Controller input tweaks and modifications.
# Fix for auto-lock on of shotgun exploit.
# Fix for D-Charge issues in Campaign mode.

Killzone 2 patch has improved the controls [GameZine]