CONFIRMED: Game Informer Reveal Assassins Creed 2


GI have just announced their brand new issue and its of course Assassins Creed 2.

Just as we predicted a couple of days ago, the game was revealed as the main feature for the new issue of GI. You can find the cover of the issue after the jump but the info says:

Well, what do you know. After the cliffhanger ending of the first game, Assassin’s Creed is back for more. “A New Hero for a New Time,” eh? What could that possibly mean? Just judging from the cover art, this isn’t the same Altair that we’re used to. At the very least, he’s picked up some spiffy new threads, right? Nope. In Assassin’s Creed 2, players take on the role of Ezio, a young noble whose family was lost through rival ruling families’ betrayals. In addition to the new character, players are going to get to explore a new setting: Renaissance-era Venice. What else is going on? Well, you’re going to have to pick up the May issue of Game Informer if you want the complete story on Ubisoft’s latest

After the jump, the cover. More info is incoming.

But as well as AC2, the issue will also have brand new info on MAG as well as Punch-Out for the Wii. But then again, it’s all about AC2 now.

One Response to “CONFIRMED: Game Informer Reveal Assassins Creed 2”

  1. BigKev45 Says:

    I’ll skip this game.