Lionhead Releases New Fable III Concept Art

Fable IIILionhead’s released some new concept art of Fable III.

In it, it shows Bowerstone as it will probably look in the game when it releases next Christmas.

Find the full thing after the jump. The game was announced at GamesCom in August.


9 Responses to “Lionhead Releases New Fable III Concept Art”

  1. Looks like the technology possibly jumped another hundred years or so.

  2. According to the “See the Future” quest, the PC from Fable II will be the king/queen in Fable III, so the image must be set for roughly 10-30 years after Fable II. Also, this image may relate to Bowerstone Old Town, as the area looks quite rough and rundown similar to Bowerstone Old Town in Fable II, if the PC doesn’t give the warrants to the guard at the start.

  3. it is 50 years from fable 2 and you get to play as your kid

  4. I’ve read there will an in game shop within Fable 3 where you can buy items like legendary weapons etc for a nominal price (eg £1). I’m not sure this is a good idea, seems a bit of a rip off, I know you don’t have to buy them but I’m sure loads of people will.

  5. which is going to be better just cause 2 or fable 3

  6. WHAT THE FUCK RELEASE IT NOW I WANNA PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Whooh nice screen xd
    better release it @ xmas, going to buy it then and OMG PLAYPLAYPLAY :D D XD Add me on xbox live : DuDa OwShiiT and we’ll play :”D

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