Would You Pay For Modern Warfare 2 Online?

Speaking to GameCentral,  Activision has been talking about using a similar subscription model to games like World Of WarCraft for Call Of Duty, claiming that paying for online features is a result of fan demand.

“Our gamers are telling us there’s lots of services and innovation they would like to see that they’re not getting yet,” they said. “There is demand from the core gamers to pay up for that.”

Would you pay to play MW2 online?

39 Responses to “Would You Pay For Modern Warfare 2 Online?”

  1. COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!, COTTO!!!



  2. PACQUIAO embarassed cotto didn’t he? seems like that goat just came and fucked ye in the ass. cotto supporters are a bunch of losers, just like the sony crowd. haha

  3. lol what? haven’t i already payed enough (60euros)? oh and the 2nd disk doesn’t even work. cheap ass publisher.

  4. LordCancer Says:


  5. David Macphail Says:

    No, i wouldn’t pay for MW2 online. If i did i would end up just as pathetic as those people that pay for Xbox LIVE.

  6. Hell no.

  7. 60 euros not enough?

  8. never, it hard enough to get money when your a full time college student and even if i had a job i stil have to pay out 4 things so still no

  9. I’ve already paid for MW2 online multiplayer. I did that at Gamestop when I bought the ****ing disc. You’re not getting a dime more from me Activision.

  10. Fuck no, paid for the fuckin disc ent payin for online.

  11. I won’t be paying to play just one game online. So if that’s what’s going to happen. See Ya CoD: MW!!!

  12. hell no. i thought modern warfare was crap and not worth the money that i paid for it in the 1st place, so no way am i ever going to pay to play it online. infact i would never pay to play any game online, no matter how good it is.

  13. Activision has officially taken away fun out of future installments. (( You know they are just waiting to initiate this “Pay to Play” BS. )) & also taken the crown of most evil game publisher period! (( Move over EA there’s a biggier more sinister bully in town. ))

  14. I already paid for it and I paid for an expensive console too..

    Didn’t they make enough money by selling a gazillion copies?

    I don;t want any fancy features – just want it to work!

  15. Bullshit!

  16. who do u think we are xbox live members we are not paying to pay online, i pay 30$ for cable internet and i have a ps3 for a reason, so i don’t have to pay to play online, some of us are gamers and others are brook gamers, you are lucky i got mw2 to begin with i cant afford to buy 2 games a month we all got bills to pay for 2 u know activison and i dont see the point of playing World Of WarCraft but mw2 online that’s fun but not to have to pay for online play…

  17. HELL NO. I wouldn’t pay console prices for a poor console port to PC. And they think I’ll pay to play too? I want the drugs ATVI/IW are smoking.

  18. NEVER. That’s one reason I skipped WOW. It is very rare that I buy full price games (about 1 a year) and I will never buy full price games if they will be more expensive than €60

  19. hoodlumz Says:

    yea they can try that world of warcraft bull shit if they want to a lot of people will stop playing….for all the bull shit that u have 2 put up with cod better stay free if not that i will take my ass to rainbow six 6
