RUMOR: New Kojima Game to Be Shown at the Microsoft Press Conference at E3


So, the countdown is on to Hideo Kojima’s newest game being reveal, so we’ll know more by Thursday right? Nope. Will we even know anything in this week’s Famitsu? No.

Looks like it’s gonna be E3 kids. But before you get pissy on us, you may wanna thank the glorious heaven that is NeoGAF. A member of the forums has checked out the source code for the teaser site, which now seems set to change weather conditions every 4 days now between now and E3 with the last one coming on Monday June 1st.

Okay, no special signifigance of that date right? 4 words.

Microsoft. E3. Press. Conference.

Oh no, thats correct, the Microsoft Press Conference at E3, which is actually two weeks today. If this happens, this will be a bigger megaton then Final Fantasy XIII last year, this will litterally shake the internet to it’s core, considering how big of a fan Kojima is of the PS3.

We’ll find out two weeks today. It looks like this game will be either Metal Gear Solid 5 or the long rumored Metal Gear Solid 4: Subport.

3 Responses to “RUMOR: New Kojima Game to Be Shown at the Microsoft Press Conference at E3”

  1. aguy Says:

    This is about as real as your Battlefield Heroes Story.

    And the timer runs out on june second not the first. The .swf shows the last timer starting on the first and then running for twenty four hours.

    • Kristina Says:

      Thank you for clearing that up. Way to many rumors stating June 1.

  2. aguy Says:

    i just wish this junk didn’t happen, Im sure the people here try to do a good job they just get caught up…
