Valve Announce Left 4 Dead DLC – Crash Course

Posted in EA, Valve, Xbox 360 with tags , on August 4, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

left-4-deadValve’s announced a brand new piece of DLC coming to Left 4 Dead.

Thats Left 4 Dead 1, not Left 4 Dead 2, before you go off in a panic.

It’s called Crash Course, which has a new campaign (between No Mercy and Death Toll) and new survival maps. Plus, new dialogue from the original cast and new locations, which is nice.

There has also been a couple of gameplay tweeks added as well, but you can find them after the jump, reading the PR.

No date yet, other then September, but it will cost 560MS points for when it does release (PC owner’s get it free).

You get your first look at it next week with the newest episode of GameTrailers TV.

PR below.

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Batman: Arkham Asylum Demo Coming on Friday

Posted in PlayStation 3, Square Enix Europe (Eidos), Xbox 360 with tags , , on August 4, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

Batman Arkham AsylumEidos will release a demo this Friday of Batman: Arkham Asylum for PLAYSTATION 3 and Xbox 360.

It starts as Batman and Commissioner Gordon put away The Joker again in Arkham. Of course, this being the Joker: the cunning bastard he is, he sets up a trap in there and leaves Batman trapped in the facillity.

Oh dear.

PR is after the jump. A trailer is incoming hopefully.

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Monster Hunter 3 Confirmed for Early 2010 Western Release

Posted in Capcom, Nintendo Wii with tags on August 4, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

monster-hunter-3Capcom’s announced that it’s bringing Monster Hunter 3 to the West as of early 2010.

Alas, no more seeing shots of it in Famitsu!

It’ll be at GamesCom too to let visitors try the localised version for the first time.

PR is after the jump.

The game released in Japan over the weekend.

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GOONL!NE Review: The Conduit

Posted in Nintendo Wii, Reviews with tags , , , , on August 3, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen


Developer: High Voltage Software
Publisher: SEGA
Also on: N/A (Nintendo Wii Exclusive)
Console Played on: Nintendo Wii
Release Date: Friday July 10th 2009
Age Rating: PEGI 16

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RUMOR: GT5 to Launch Before the End of the Year

Posted in PlayStation 3, Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios with tags , , on August 2, 2009 by James Love

gt5Them earlier rumors that came out in late April are starting to come to fruition.

The good folks over at GTPlanet have learnt from one of their trusted sources that Gran Turismo 5 is almost certain to launch in 2009, Christmas to be specific, but this could still change at Sony’s discretion.

The website have also stated that the date of December 29th is incorrect, with the 4th December date looking the more likely now in time for the Christmas period. It is possible that Sony will announce the official date at GamesCom in Cologne during their press conference on August 18th.

At E3, Polyphony Digital’s leader, and the creator of GT, Kazunouri Yamauchi, said that they could release the game at anytime. After those remarks, the earlier rumors and this, this is now looking more likely by the day. And Yamauchi also confirmed earlier in late June that a date would be confirmed soon.

It was rumored it would be out for Christmas back in April. The game was revealed back at E3.

Posted in GamesCOM - Cologne 2009, PlayStation 3 with tags , , , , , on August 1, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

playstation-3If you thought the PSPGo was the worst kept secret ever, watch this!

Yet again, the PS3 Slim appears in the news, and every rumor we keep hearing of , it’s almost like it’s shouting to us “we’re fucking real, get the fucking hint!”.

And we are — and thereforth — so are Amazon.

And of all the places too, . The retailer website has a listing for the new PS3 SKU, but no price or date has appeared for the console.

Of course, we’ll not take this as a coincidence. Sony’s press conference in Cologne at GAMEScom is only 3 weeks away. You’d be a fool to bet against a reveal in Germany this month, alongside a price-cut for the big fat PS3 right now.

SCEA Release Heavy Rain Factsheet

Posted in PlayStation 3, Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios with tags , , on August 1, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

Heavy Rain 2Sony Computer Entertainment America’s released a factsheet of Heavy Rain tonight, as if releasing one on MAG wasn’t enough to quench your thirst for all things PlayStation.

The game, from Quantic Dream, is due out in Q1 2010 for the PLAYSTATION 3. Expect this one to be in Cologne this month for GAMESCom and Sony’s press conference.

Factsheet is after the jump.

Thanks, ZKG.

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Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta – Launch Trailer & Achievements

Posted in Bethesda, Xbox 360, Xbox Live with tags , , , on August 1, 2009 by James Love

fallout-3Bethesda have released a list of new achievements for Fallout 3, with 4 new achivements being added in total.

As well as that, the developer also released a launch trailer for the DLC.

The Mothership Zeta DLC will be available on this Monday on Xbox Live, costing 800 Microsoft points.

PS3 date to be confirmed.

The new achievements are after the jump.

Achievements from the Examiner. Thanks to Joystiq for the trailer.

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SCEA Release MAG Factsheet

Posted in PlayStation 3, Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios with tags , , , on July 31, 2009 by James Love

magSCEA have released the factsheet for forthcoming FPS MAG, in development from Zipper Interactive.

The factsheet confirms, despite numerous rumors of a Q1 2010 slip, that it’ll be out this autumn for PS3.

Full thing’s after the jump.

Thanks, PSN@Home

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GOONL!NE Impressions: Wipeout HD Fury Expansion

Posted in PlayStation 3 with tags , , , , , on July 30, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

Wipeout HD

Developer: Studio Liverpool
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Also on: N/A [PS3 exclusive]
Console played on: PLAYSTATION 3
Release Date: Thursday July 23rd

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