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GDC 2009: The Big GDC 09 Round-Up

March 29, 2009

Missed anything? Catch it here.

GDC 2009: Kojima All But Announces Metal Gear Solid 5

March 26, 2009

No big reveal though, that’ll come at E3.

When Did the Next Gen Kick Off?

March 26, 2009

What were the first games that made you go wow?

GDC 2009: Hideo Kojima Keynote from 5:30pm GMT

March 26, 2009

No matter what you say, WE WANT ZONE OF THE ENDERS 3!A

GDC 2009: CONFIRMED: Hideo Kojima to Not Show New Game Tomorrow

March 25, 2009

Kojima rules out an appearence of his next game tomorrow.

GDC 2009: Nintendo’s Satoru Iwota Keynote at 4:00pm GMT

March 25, 2009

He’s on from 4:00pm.

GDC 2009: GOONL!NE’s GDC 2009 Coverage

March 24, 2009

All to come this week…

The Top 20 Best Games This Generation So Far

March 9, 2009

Is your favourite here?

RUMOR: New MGS Game in the Works as Konami Headhunt for More Staff

March 9, 2009

Konami hiring more people but is it for a new Metal Gear?

European Game Releases [9/3 - 13/3]

March 8, 2009

From Helghast to Chris Redfield.