SCEE: Uncharted 2 “currently scheduled” for October [UPDATE]

Posted in PlayStation 3 with tags , , , , , , on July 8, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

uncharted-2-multiplayerUPDATE: This shit just got confusing. VG247 has just emailed SCEE about it and, well, SCEE are retracting the October date.

Honestly, either this is a retraction or someone’s made a poo-poo. Cant wait to see the inbox for GO.

UPDATE 2: Yup, it was a honest mistake. Our guy at SCEE emailed GOONL!NE about an hour ago to let us know that the October date was for review code and assets. So, it still remains at Autumnn… for now. But it is coming.

Original Story: Only known for a Fall release date thus far, Uncharted 2 will launch in Europe for PLAYSTATION 3 in October, thats what SCEE has told GOONL!NE this afternoon when we went to SCEE about a specfic release date.

In an email to GO, a SCEE rep told us that, while no exact specfic date was confirmed, the game is “currently scheduled for an October release.” However, we were told that a specfic date would be coming “closer to launch”.

When it was revealed back at the Spike Video Game Awards in December, it was announced for a Fall 2009 release date. And only last week, Naughty Dog co-president Evan Wells confirmed that a date would be coming very soon in a PS Blog livetext, but still had it down as Fall.

It was only confirmed today that GameTrailers would show a brand new 3 minute cutscene of the game never shown before, as well as a brand new level also never seen before, in their Uncharted 2 themed episode this week.

Catch our impressions of the multiplayer beta here.

Lempel: We’re No Longer Doing “catch up” on XBL

Posted in PlayStation 3, Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios, Xbox 360 with tags , , , , , , on July 8, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

playstation-3Director of the PlayStation Network in the US, Eric Lempel, has said that the PSN is no longer playing “catch up” with Xbox Live.

It comes in an interview with IndustryGamers.

I don’t think there’s a lot of ‘catch up’ [with XBL] any more. In some cases, I think we’ve got more, and we’ve got some other things they don’t have. In terms of strengths, of course we’re still free, and we’re giving you a lot for free. It’s not just free online gaming, but we’ve got PlayStation Home, which is a massive community and application that’s totally free to use. I think there’s a lot we’re doing that in some cases they’re not doing, and I don’t see a lot of things they’re doing that we’re not.

More through the link.

Dante’s Inferno – New Trailer

Posted in EA, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 with tags , , , , on July 8, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

Dante's InfernoEA’s sent out this trailer for Dante’s Inferno. Catch it after the jump.

It’s out next year, by Viscerial Games of Dead Space fame, for PLAYSTATION 3 and Xbox 360.

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New Uncharted 2 Level to Be Revealed Tomorrow

Posted in PlayStation 3, Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios with tags , , , , , , , on July 8, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

uncharted-2-1GameTrailers TV will air Uncharted 2 this week at Naughty Dog, where the episode will have brand new details as well as a 3 minute cut-scene and a level in the game never seen before.

We’re still to hear a date for the game, but we’ll check in with Sony soon about that. All we know is that it’s Fall for the PS3. Catch the promo after the jump.

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New Last Guardian Scans Get Out

Posted in PlayStation 3, Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios with tags , , , , on July 8, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

TRICOTSA’s got brand new scans of The Last Guardian, which has showed up in this week’s edition of Famitsu PS3 + PSP (note: not the main Famitsu we cover every Wednesday, a spin-off).

Truth be told, they’re stunning, abit a bit grainny from the scans. Catch them at the link.

It’s in development at Team ICO for the PLAYSTATION 3. Earlier this week, Team ICO leader Fumito Ueda had a couple of things to say about Mario Galaxy and Grand Theft Auto IV.

Assassins Creed 2 Developer Diary Released

Posted in PlayStation 3, Ubisoft, Xbox 360 with tags , , , , , , , on July 8, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

assassins-creed-2Ubisoft’s sent out the first developer diary for Assassins Creed II.

It contains interviews and gameplay, ya know, the usual. Catch it after the jump.

It’s out November 17th/20th for PS3 and 360.

Thanks to TheSixthAxis.

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Bungie Share Details on Halo 3: ODST Multiplayer Maps

Posted in Microsoft Games Studios, Xbox 360 with tags , , , , , on July 8, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

Halo 3 ODSTBungie’s released the first details of Part 2 of it’s Mythic map pack, which will be on the mutliplayer disc which accompanies Halo 3: ODST. They’re called Heretic, Citadel and Longshore. According to the nuggets of info given by Bungie:

  • Heretic returns players to familiar ground as the “Halo 2″ arena Midship makes its long-rumored debut in “Halo 3.” The stark interior of the Pious Inquisitor might appear austere on first glance, but Heretic’s symmetrical spaces require players to execute complex strategies in order to outplay their opponents.
  • Citadel may be a long abandoned Forerunner stronghold, but its small, symmetrical confines are far from secure. Two opposing bases offer little safety for players looking for solace. Instead, Citadel forces small squads to stay in constant communication, keep their heads on a swivel, and be prepared to adjust combat tactics in close quarters.
  • Longshore lacks the commercial ships that once made it a lucrative port for Old Mombasa, but it still bustles with activity. Designed for large scale combat and well suited for smaller affairs, Longshore’s multitude of industrial buildings, elevated walks, and open inlets conspire to create a complex battleground tailored for multiple combat scenarios.

As well as that, they also released several new screens of the maps as part of their Bungie Day which was celebrated yesterday. Catch them after the jump.

Game’s out worldwide on September 22nd.

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Final Fantasy II Out on Japanese PSN Store

Posted in PlayStation 3, Square Enix with tags , , , , on July 8, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

square-enixSquare’s put up Final Fantasy II on the Japanese PlayStation Store for ¥600.

We just checked just now, after a heads up from the Examiner, its there. It comes mere weeks after Final Fantasy was released in Japan, which now means that both parts of Final Fantasy Origins, which was released for the PS1, are now on the store.

Only a couple of weeks ago, EU and US PS3 and PSP owners were treated to the PS1 classic release of Final Fantasy VII, but we’re gonna check in with Square Enix to see if there are plans to release more games on the PS3.

Battlefield 1943 Now Available on Marketplace

Posted in EA, Xbox 360 with tags , , , , , , on July 8, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

Battlefield 1943Battlefield 1943 is now available on Marketplace.

It’s for 1200 MS points.

With a free trial.

PSN version tomorrow.

Review up sometime next week.


Mm’s Evans Hints at LittleBigPlanet 2, Would “love” a Sequel

Posted in PlayStation 3 with tags , , , , , on July 8, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

littlebigplanet-2LittleBigPlanet hasn’t been out for a year yet, and already we’re talking about a sequel.

Media Molecule’s Alex Evans has gone on record, in an interview with GI, about digital distribution and user-made DLC, but there was point brought up near the end of the interview about LBP 2.

Well, I’d love there to be a sequel, put it that way. But that’s not an announcement – although I will say that the entire team is working on LBP

Evans also talked about the possibillty of more accessable tools for players in creating levels in LittleBigPlanet.

We originally started with a shotgun and a hair dryer, and it mutated a lot… One of the things we’re focusing on next is looking at stuff that insane – generally French and Japanese – people have built, and then making that more accessible, just making some of the ideas that are possible, easier.

The second side of it is that at the moment you can exchange objects via PSN messages. One of the original ideas that was axed from the original game was that you could publish objects from the game online, not just levels, and you’d be credited with the use of those objects.

I think something like that will really boost it – if you’re just a beginner user, you can go and browse not just for levels, but for cars, let’s say. Take that, sticker it up, and you’re done – and that will change the barriers to entry.

So both of those things – changing the tools themselves, and changing how you share – are coming.

More at GI.