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RUMOR: Hideo Kojima to Develop a First Person Shooter

October 3, 2008

Considering we want him to do Zone of the Enders 3 next, this will be a big eye opener if this is true. According to EGM, in their rumor’s section, Hideo Kojima is very interested in making a first person shooter. The MGS creator has even been rumored to be talking to expert FPS studios [...]

CONFIRMED: Ryan Payton Joins MGS (No, Not THAT MGS)

October 2, 2008

Hands On Impressions: LittleBigPlanet

September 24, 2008

RUMOR: Bungie’s New Game at a Special MS Event Next Week But Is It Halo: Chronicles?

September 17, 2008

According to well places sources, gamer tm has said that a new Bungie game will be unveiled at a special MS event next week along with a new game from Rare as well as a price cut for the EU, the latter of which has now been confirmed by Microsoft to take place as of [...]

GOONL!NE’s Top 10 Games of Autumn – Johnny’s List

September 7, 2008

You better hope that you have a job that pays well this autumn, winter and Christmas because if your a gamer, you are about to go into a head on crash with 10 of the biggest games this autumn. Starting as of this past Friday (Friday September 5th), the long list of AAA titles is [...]

BREAKING NEWS: John Schappert of Microsoft to Deliver Tokyo Games Show Keynote

September 5, 2008

You…you may wanna sit down for what is about to be said. In the past 3 years since the next (current) gen consoles were unveiled at E3, we’ve had the 2 of the big 3 taking the keynote at the Tokyo Games Show. 2005 – Satoru Iwota (Nintendo) – Highlight: Introduce’s Wiimote 2006 – Ken [...]

Ryan Payton Leaves Kojima Productions

August 26, 2008

Anybody who is a big fan of anything Kojima Productions such as the games (obviously MGS4) all the way down to the podcasts and in particular a couple of the staff wil be sad to hear that Ryan Payton has left Kojima Productions. Payton, who was a major part of the Western release of Metal [...]

Leipzig 08: RUMOR – Mirror’s Edge a Timed PLAYSTATION 3 Exclusive?

August 23, 2008

Hmm, I sorta had a feeling this may have happened considering it was unveiled at PlayStation Day back in May. Infact when it was shown that this game was on the list of games been shown at PS Day in London, it was originally thought it was going to be announced as a timed exclusive [...]

July NPD Numbers Released: Sony Responds

August 15, 2008

It’s been a tale of two storys for Sony. While they still maintain good sales of the PLAYSTATION 3 from one big exclusive in Metal Gear Sold 4: Guns of the Patriots, they may have lost a signifgent amount of future sales with Final Fantasy XIII jumping ship to the Xbox 360. But as a [...]

E3 2008: GOONL!NE’s E3 2008 Predictions

July 14, 2008

Okay, E3 2008 starts tomorrow with Microsoft’s live press confernece which will be liveblogged to you from 4pm. But what does the V3 team want to see out of this year’s E3, what do we expect from this year’s convention. Well, our thoughts have been gathered together into this one post and we’re gonna tell [...]