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GOONL!NE Best of 2008 – Biggest Moment in Gaming

November 22, 2008

This year has had some great games, you can admit that. What we won’t admit is that the gaming year has not big news this year because trust us, it has if you like it or not. And the prime example of this is Final Fantasy XIII announced for the Xbox 360 but it isn’t [...]

Sony Launches Awesome Print Campaign in Japan Spearheaded by Final Fantasy XIII

November 19, 2008

Sony has kicked off a brand new ad campaign in Japan for the PLAYSTATION 3 and I have to admit, it looks awesome. The campaign shows 3 people holding up aspects of the PS3 such as the console itself, a Blu-Ray disc and a SIXAXIS as well as 3 other posts containing gaming characters. Snake [...]

GOONL!NE Best of 2008 – Best PLAYSTATION 3 Game

November 17, 2008

The PS3 has had it rough. Since it’s European launch back in March 2007, it’s had a very rough patch but now it’s starting to fight back against Microsoft and Nintendo. This year, they have proved that they have the catalogue of games to fight Microsoft in the HD console war with it’s biggest flagship [...]

GOONL!NE Best of 2008 Awards – Overview

November 17, 2008

This year in gaming is probably the best that has ever been seen. We thought this year would never beat 2007 after the year that was Halo 3, Mass Effect, Uncharted, Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction, Super Mario Galaxy, Call of Duty 4 to name a few but you know what, 08 totally kicked [...]

3 Big Reviews Next Week on GOONL!NE

November 14, 2008

All next week here on GOONL!NE, we gonna be publishing reviews on 3 of the biggest titles this year with a couple more to come. This really is the best time ever to be a gamer. After a slow start at the start of the year with Burnout Paradise and more, it picked up with [...]

US PS Store Updated [7/11/08]

November 7, 2008

The US PS Store has updated tonight. The new issue of Qore, the free DLC for LittleBigPlanet, a demo of Metal Gear Solid 4 and more. It’s all after the jump.

Schappert: “We Definitely Have the Power to Run MGS4″

October 16, 2008

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is without a doubt one of the best games this year and is certainly one of the best games of all time. Only problem was that it was a PLAYSTATION 3 exclusive so there was people who made the transfer from the PlayStation 2 to the Xbox [...]

GOONL!NE Review: LittleBigPlanet

October 13, 2008

Have Sony’s Eggs Hatched Into Frutation or Into a Ugly Ducking?

TGS 08: Snake & Sephiroth Sackboys Revealed for LBP = BEST. THING. EVER.

October 9, 2008

Out of anything that has come out of LittleBigPlanet, with it coming in Europe only 3 weeks tomorrow, this has to be the best thing ever. At TGS 08, Sony Computer Entertainment Japan announced that, in coinjunction with Kojima Productions & Konami and Square Enix, there will be a Snake Sackboy from Metal Gear Solid [...]

RUMOR: Team ICO Hinted for Next Issue of EGM, TGS Unveil All But Confirmed

October 3, 2008

At the back of their new issue, EGM has seriously hinted at a big game that will grace their front cover as their cover story for next month. All they show for is a pictureand no name for the game, not even saying who is developing it but considering what they said and what the [...]