Search Results

Kojima To Create New Game After MGS Rising and Peace Walker

October 16, 2009

Say the name Hideo Kojima to a gamer and what’ll spring to mind is Metal Gear for most. His legacy is huge, spanning almost 20 titles to date but after he’s finished with Metal Gear Solid: Rising and Peace Walker, that’s him done and dusted with the series. Speaking to the EU PlayStation Blog, Kojima [...]

Kojima: ZOE3 is “on the top of the list” of Games to Develop at KP

October 15, 2009

Oh hell yes!

Top 5 Dreamcast Games We Want On The PlayStation Store

September 27, 2009

GOONL!INE looks back at classic Dreamcast titles that would be awesome additions to the PlayStation Store.

Do you agree with, or have some classics been missed out? Come see and voice your opinions in the comments section!

Super Pepsi Mario

September 4, 2009

Sorry… what?

Kojima: Rising and Peace Walker Teams Dont Get Along

September 2, 2009

Me, you. Outback, bikeshed. 3pm.

13 Video Game Characters Seperated At Birth

August 28, 2009

Gagagooogooo… itsa me, mario?

GOONL!NE Preview: Alan Wake

August 24, 2009

Developer: Remedy Games Publisher: Microsoft Games Studios Also on: N/A (Xbox 360 exclusive) Release Date: Spring 2010 PEGI Rating: 16

GOONL!NE Review: Gears of War 2: All Fronts Collection

July 26, 2009

Developer: Epic Games
Publisher: Microsoft Games Studios
Also on: N/A (Xbox 360 exclusive)
Console played on: Xbox 360
Release Date: Tuesday July 28th 2009
Age rating: BBFC 18, PEGI 18

LittleBigPlanet GOTY Version Coming Later This Year

July 10, 2009

More Sack goodness coming this year.

Final Fantasy XIII Voted Most Wanted Game by Readers of Famitsu

July 9, 2009

Lightning takes back her crown.