Quantum Theory Now Multi-Platform, Coming Next Spring

Posted in Tecmo Koei, Xbox 360 with tags , on December 7, 2009 by James Love

Touted by some to be the PS3′s answer to Gears of War, Tecmo Koei’s third person shooter Quantum Theory has today been announced that it’s now heading to the Xbox 360 too.

The game centers around Syd and Fillena who must fight through a “living tower,” the living aspect coming from that the tower is constantly adding and taking away cover positions. Neat.

Full PR after the jump. Game due in Europe Spring 2010 on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

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EA Announces Dead Space 2

Posted in EA, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 with tags , on December 7, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

EA’s just lifted off the cover of Dead Space 2 officially.

It gets a release on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. No date, but assume a 2010 launch position.

Issac Clarke returns, with developer Visceral saying the game is “not everything is exactly as it seems.”

“We’re thrilled to jump back into the series, making the next chapter in Isaac’s journey,” said Executive Producer of DS2, Steve Papoutsis.

Full PR is after the break.

Remember: we called it.

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GOONL!NE Advent Calendar for 2010: #1 – Half Life 2: Episode Three

Posted in EA, PlayStation 3, Valve, Xbox 360 with tags , , , on December 7, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

By Jonathan Cullen.

For the past two years, I have put together a top 20 list of games for their respective years. In previous years, LittleBigPlanet and Final Fantasy XIII have come out as the winners of them lists. This year, we have a much stronger staff presence in both freelance and full-time staff.

So, instead of arguing and bickering over a top 20 list, we decided to bring you a series of articles you’ll be seeing from us every day until just before Christmas. You may even see one game already picked by one of the other staff members here on GO. It may even show you how fucking pumped we are for the said game.

For now though, we start off with No. 1 on this advent calendar, which hasn’t actually been confirmed for 2010. But dear jesus, it needs to be out next year by any rate – Half Life 2: Episode Three.

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Bethesda Releases First Gameplay Videos of Brink

Posted in Bethesda, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 with tags , on December 5, 2009 by James Love

We’ve got a few videos of Bethesda’s upcoming FPS, Brink.

In Brink, the two sides known as  Resistance and Security  fight in the outskirts of a utopian city known as The Ark, designed as the perfect city with renewable resources and no pollution but exponential population growth have led it to the brink (hence the name) of all-out civil war.

Videos after the jump. The game is out in Fall 2010 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

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GOONL!NE Review: Assassin’s Creed II

Posted in PlayStation 3, Reviews, Ubisoft, Xbox 360 with tags , on December 5, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
Publisher: Ubisoft
Also on: Xbox 360
Console Played on: PlayStation 3
Release Date: Friday November 20th 2009
Age Rating: PEGI 18, BBFC 15

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Gearbox Trademarks ‘Borderworlds’

Posted in 2k Games, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 with tags , , on December 4, 2009 by Chris Hawke

Rumors have been flying even since Borderlands was released as to whether a sequel would be made. Well, ladies and gentlemen, we think we have an answer. According to a recent trademark listing, you can see for yourself: Gearbox Software LLC has trademarked the title ‘Borderworlds’.

While there’s a lot of legal mumbo-jumbo, the point remains; Gearbox are obviously in need of the title ‘Borderworlds’, and Borderlands has ‘lands’ in it, and ‘Borderworlds’ has ‘worlds’ in it…seeing the connection? Is this another single-player/co-op game an a larger scale, or maybe an MMO set in the cel-shaded world? We’ll expect an announcement soon.

First Pieces of Assasin’s Creed II DLC Coming Next Year

Posted in PlayStation 3, Ubisoft, Xbox 360 with tags , on December 3, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

Ubisoft’s announced the first pieces of DLC for Assassin’s Creed II, coming in the first two months of 2010.

Called Battle of Forli and Bonfire of the Vanities, both packs will release in January and February for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

To play both of the 1GB expansions, you will need ACII to play them with.

Our review on ACII is finally coming, so stay tuned.

More Metro 2033 Details

Posted in THQ, Xbox 360 with tags , , on December 3, 2009 by Chris Hawke

4a Games today unleashed a press release, detailing their upcoming 2010 shoot-n’-loot Metro 2033.

Nothing too in-depth yet, but the game is open-world, meaning you can explore post-apocalyptic Moscow at your leisure, until the creepy mutants come and eat your face.

First gameplay video coming soon, declares the Metro 2033 , so keep your eyes peeled and your gas masks at the ready.

The game is out in 2010 for Xbox 360, and the fact sheet is after the jump.

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Gran Turismo 5 Demo Lands on December 17th

Posted in PlayStation 3 with tags , , on December 3, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

Sony’s announced that a playable demo build of Gran Turismo 5 will be released on December 17th in ten EU countries for the start of its GT Academy.

Last year, the first Academy was held with qualification possible by playing GT5: Prologue. Now though, if you want to enter this year, you must download the demo from the 17th. Then again, if you’re just looking to play for the fun of it, go nuts.

As the EU PS Blog says: “it will be the first opportunity to get a hands-on taster as to what Yamauchi-san and his Polyphony team have been carefully crafting and polishing at their Tokyo base.”

The car in the demo will be a Nissan 370Z, with a new track for GT5 being the track. That track wasn’t confirmed, but it was hinted it was the new Tokyo circuit.

Go find more info here. GT5 launches in Japan in March. No Western date yet.

First Gameplay Footage of Crackdown 2 at VGAs

Posted in Microsoft Games Studios, Xbox 360 with tags , on December 2, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

Look. A gameplay tease of Crackdown 2.

The first gameplay footage will be shown at the VGAs next week to GTTV host Geoff Keighley.

Find it here.