First Screens and Details of Multiplayer in The Ballad of Gay Tony

Posted in Rockstar Games, Xbox 360, Xbox Live with tags , on October 14, 2009 by James Love

The Ballad of Gay Tony

Rockstar today announced that forthcoming GTA IV DLC, The Ballad of Gay Tony, will build upon the multiplayer already featured in GTA IV. There’ll be overhauls for all the multiplayer modes “for an action packed, over-the-top experience.”

Moreover, new weapons will be added too along with new maps for Deathmatch mode. New gameplay modes will also be added too, with parachutes making their way into the game alongside kill streaks and assisted kills.

Catch the first shots after the jump.

The Ballad of Gay Tony is set to launch exclusively on Xbox 360 on 29 October 2009, as downloadable content on Xbox Live or with Episodes from Liberty City at retail.

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Next PS3 Firmware To Bring Cross-Game Chat

Posted in PlayStation 3, PlayStation Network with tags , , on October 14, 2009 by James Love

ps3 slim

Sony will love Naughty Dog developer ReklissAbandon for this as today on the US PlayStation Forums today, he made the following post:

“I think they wanted people to have fun and enjoy the show since all dead players can talk to each other no matter what team you are on. But I will suggest it anyway. Not to mention that the next PS3 firmware update is going to allow cross game chat. So if players use that instead of in game communication then they would also be able to communicate enemies’ positions.”

No date was given for the firmware but rumours point to it coming at the end of October. Additionally, the post on the PS Forums has since been deleted, hinting that ReklissAbandon said something he really ought not to have.

WiiWare Castlevania Game Detailed

Posted in Konami, Nintendo Wii with tags , , on October 14, 2009 by James Love


Upcoming WiiWare title Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth has been detailed by Japanese magazine Famitsu, revealing it’s a “concept remake” of Game Boy game Castlevania: The Adventure, with new enemies, music and altered level designs.

It keeps the classic 16-bit visuals but comes with rearranged music, and stairs are replacing the ropes from the Game Boy version.

Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth will costs 1,000 Wii Points when it launches in Japan on October 27 and in Europe, where it’s expected to be releaed Q1 of 2010.

Thanks, Kotaku.

Bioware Would “love to revisit” Jade Empire

Posted in Microsoft Games Studios with tags , on October 14, 2009 by James Love


The original Xbox had Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic as it’s big RPG but Bioware’s Jade Empire was every bit the equal to it but in the 4 years since it’s release no sequel has reared its head but could one be on the way possibly?

Speaking to Strategy Informer Mike Laidlaw of Bioware said that “Jade Empire is a staff favorite and a lot of us love it, so we’d love to revisit it at some point” but at present “we [Bioware] are very focused on Dragon Age and Mass Effect 2.”

World War II Setting for Assassin’s Creed III?

Posted in PlayStation 3, Ubisoft, Xbox 360 with tags , , on October 14, 2009 by James Love


According to the latest issue of Xbox 360 world, Ubisoft’s Sébastien Puel  has said they’ve “had discussions” about setting the next Assassin’s Creed game in World War II, this time with a female lead role. He also said that it’d make sense for a woman to be the hired hits in a WWII era game with the economies of France and Britian at the time ran by women.

“Where would that make sense? We don’t want to just decide we want to change and have a female hero as the first inspiration is always the time period, but if you’re talking about, say, World War II the economies in England and France were run by women because the men were off fighting.

“So maybe in this context you were a woman in England during WWII. Why not? Nothing prevents us from doing it” said Puel.

Assassin’s Creed was originally planned to be a trilogy but Ubisoft has said they’ve widened their focus, “What’s so great about Assassin’s Creed is that we can just expand and expand,” creative director Patrice Fortier told XBW.

Thanks to CVG.

New Madden NFL Arcade Screenshots Released

Posted in EA, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Store, Xbox 360, Xbox Live with tags , on October 14, 2009 by James Love


Plenty of them too! 17 in total for you to feast your eyes upon. “Fun, pick-up-and-play” is the theme of NFL arcade, with 5-on-5 footie coming to XBLA and PlayStation Store in December for 1200 MS Points and $14.99 respectively. The game let’s you choose one of your favorite 32 NFL teams and home stadium for a match with the best five players on each side.

Screenies are after the jump!

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Wii Play Is Biggest Selling Game Of The Decade

Posted in Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 with tags , , on October 14, 2009 by James Love


The NPD Group (who monitor monthly and yearly North American software sales) have released to IGN what are the biggest selling game titles so far this decade.

Wii Play is by far and away the biggest selling title, having shifted a massive 11.1 million copies. The rest of the top 5 are a bit of a closer affair, with Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas in second place (8.25 million), with Wii Fit following closely behind on 7.9 million. Rockstar have another GTA title in the top five, with GTA: Vice City in fourth place having sold 6.9 million, followed by Mario Kart Wii on 6.7 million.

Left 4 Dead 2 Boycott Reachs Goal, Shuts Down

Posted in Valve, Xbox 360 with tags , on October 14, 2009 by Chris Hawke

Left 4 Dead 2

‘Tis the natural way of things. It grows, blossoms, dies. Or, in the case of the L4D2 Boycott, grows, gets bashed, shuts down. The founders of the group announced that they’d shot boycotting the sequel to L4D, as they are confidant alve will support the original.

“The recently released Crash Course was just the start. Future updates will continue to roll in, and 4v4 matchmaking is first in line. Valve has confirmed to us that it’ll be available before the release of L4D2. Also don’t forget, we have another DLC pack confirmed for sometime in the near future and of course, there will be bug fixes. This is as good as it can get people.”

Seems like there’s nothing to stop L4D2 reaching world domination on 17th November.

Operation Flashpoint DLC ‘In A Matter Of Weeks’

Posted in Codemasters, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 with tags , , on October 14, 2009 by Chris Hawke

Dragon Rising

You might have played the game and read our review, but it’s not the end of the game. In an interview with the Telegraph, Sion Lenton revealed that DLC is due in a matter of weeks:

“We’ve got some very ambitious plans with DLC – our first pack is coming up in a matter of weeks. We’ll also have title updates coming up because once the game’s out there, we’ll need to get feedback from the people who are playing it, and if need be make a few adjustments and tweaks.”

Rumor is the first batch of DLC will be free, but one thing we do know is that Codemasters are still working hard on the server issues, and have reported that “Early analysis this morning (UK time) suggests that the situation is improving and we are now seeing considerably fewer dropouts. Working closely with our partners has enabled us to identify some of the root causes and we continue to work to address and fix them.

The whole interview is HERE

Yamauchi on GT5: “We could release it any time we want”

Posted in PlayStation 3, Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios with tags , , on October 14, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

gt5He said it again!

Polyphony head Kazunori Yamauch has said in an interview in this week’s Famitsu that he could release Gran Turismo 5 “any time we want”.

Of course, he could release it now instead of March 2010 in Japan at least. But Yamauchi will be taking his time on this one.

“Naturally, my attention is focused purely on Gran Turismo 5 right now. The scale of this title is just dizzying, so daily progress is slow, but it’s still going forward at a steady clip. All the basic stuff is complete, but we’re trying to give everything that little bit extra at present. We could release it any time we want, really, but I want to have that classic GT-style ‘did we really have to go this far?’ feel going. I want to go way beyond gamer expectations.”

Shame. Japan gets it first in March 2010.

Thanks, GT Planet.