Archive for June 17, 2009

Hudson: If Shepard Dies in ME2, He/She Wont Be Back for ME3

Posted in BioWare, EA, EA Games, Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2 with tags , , , , , on June 17, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

Mass Effect 2BioWare’s Casey Hudson has a stark warning for you lot going to play Mass Effect 2: you decide the fate of Shepard and if Shepard goes down the one way road, there’s no way back. Simply put, if he dies, he stays dead.

When we say that Shepard can die in Mass Effect 2, it’s not something that happens at points in the middle of the game. Yes, you can “die” in gameplay as normal but that’s not what we’re talking about here. It’s not a “Game Over” screen. It’s not a gimmicky thing where you make a choice, “die”, and reload to continue to the “real” ending. When you get to the very end of the story in Mass Effect 2, you will get one of a wide variety of climactic and satisfying endings. Depending on how prepared you were, your ending may involve Shepard making the ultimate sacrifice to accomplish the mission.

Speaking in a brand new developer blog post, the project lead for ME2 also gave more infomation to the “suicide mission” been given to Shepard.

In Mass Effect 2, you (as Commander Shepard) are faced with what appears to be a suicide mission: taking a team into the heart of enemy territory where you shouldn’t have any chance of coming back alive. Your survival therefore is based on how well you’ve built a team – who you recruited, how well-equipped they are, and whether they’re loyal to you. Loyalty (and the things you’ll do to earn it) is a central part of the game, and it is critical to Shepard surviving the final mission.

Paragon / Renegade decisions affect a lot of things in the game – and will affect which how the game ends – but they are completely separate from your character’s readiness to survive the final mission.

Oh fucking snap. And he also answered probably the most asked, and most important, question of all. Alien sex?

As for whether there will be alien love in an elevator, you’ll have to play to find out.

The game’s out next year, early 2010, for Xbox 360.

MAG Developer Diary Ep 1 Released

Posted in MAG, PlayStation 3, Zipper Interactive with tags , , , on June 17, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

magSCEE have released the first developer diary for MAG.

It has the usual stuff you’d expect from a dev diary.

It’s after the jump. Game’s out in the Fall, but a beta is incoming for the summer, only on PLAYSTATION 3.

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New Valkyria Chronicles DLC Announced

Posted in Famitsu, Magazine Scans, PlayStation 3 with tags , , , on June 17, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

valkyria-chroniclesSEGA’s announced in this week’s Famitsu that more DLC is on the way for Valkyria Chronicles. The 3rd person RTS watercolor game got 3 packs of DLC earlier this year on the PS Store, but now another pack is coming in the shape of “Challenge of the Eadle Squad” and will be out for ¥300 on June 26th on the Japanese PS Store. But dont worry Westerners, SEGA did bring over the 3 packs of DLC from Japan before, they surely will do the same.

Scan is after the jump.

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Halo 3: ODST Retailing for £26.99 in UK

Posted in Halo, Halo 3: ODST, Microsoft Games Studios, Xbox 360 with tags , , , , , on June 17, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

Halo 3 ODSTIf you live in the UK, Argos is selling Halo 3: ODST for £27 (£26.99).

But if you live in the US, you still have to pay for a $60 game. Microsoft confirmed at E3 that ODST will be a full priced game for $60 which has a brand new campaign mode (with added co-op), Firefight co-op mode, 3 brand new multiplayer maps as well as every map from Halo 3 (on disc and DLC) and an invite to the multiplayer beta of Halo: Reach.

September 22nd folks, where you gonna go?

New Persona Teased in Famitsu

Posted in Famitsu, Magazine Scans, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 with tags , , , , , , on June 17, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

Persona 4If you are like us, and you loved Persona 4, you may wanna grab a pair of new pants, this will excite you.

A new Persona has been teased in Famitsu this week showing 3 characters in a white background, one of which is sitting on a chair. We say Persona because the art design is exactly like that for Persona games.

As for the text, we havent translated it, but we’re trying to right now. Tokyo Games Show, or sooner, cant come soon enough. Atlus had already teased that a new Persona would be coming for either PLAYSTATION 3 or Xbox 360.

Catch the scan after the jump.

We dont do PS2 games on GO, but we have to say this: if you havent already, go and buy Persona 4. Amazing.

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