Archive for June 6, 2009

E3 2009: Desilets: Assassins Creed 2 to End with a “holy crap, I never seen it coming” Ending

Posted in E3 2009, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 with tags , , , , , , on June 6, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

Assassins Creed 2

So, Assassins Creed 1 ended with what was a shit ending. Great game, but had a shit ending (and was repeative). Now though, Assassins Creed 2 will improve on everything that was flawed about the first game if the demo shown at Sony’s press conference is anything.

More weapons, more ways to kill, more ways to escape and a better ending, according to creative director of the game, Patrice Desilets, according to Joystiq:

I’m telling you. At the end of AC2 you’ll say, “Holy crap, I never seen it coming.”

There will be a cliffhanger. It’s cool to have a cliffhanger.

That teasing bastard!

The game’s out on November 17th for PLAYSTATION 3 and Xbox 360.

E3 2009: GOONL!NE Game of Show – Nominees

Posted in E3 2009, Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 with tags , , , , , , on June 6, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen


So, E3 is over. Some assets still to be uploaded here, but needless to say, E3 is over. But what big announcements, megatons and even a couple of gigatons. But even then, it wasn’t about the conferences or the announcements, it’s about the games.

It’s the reason why we keep an eye on them during E3, and why one game in particular is judged to be the “best of show”. Tomorrow, we announce our “game of show” as well as several other catagories, including best trailer, best announcment and best games for each platform.

But the biggest of the lot is game of the show. Last year, we gave it to Fallout 3, but who will we give it to this year? Well, we aint gonna tell you who but, in no particular order, after the jump, you’ll get 10 hints as to your nominees.

Can you guess what they are?

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E3 2009: Alan Wake – Screenshots + E3 Trailer

Posted in E3 2009, Xbox 360 with tags , , , , on June 6, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen


Alan Wake has been flying low under the radar since it’s reveal back at E3 2005, bar one blip last year when it had a new trailer and new screens. Now, it hides no more. Out in Spring 2010, the thriller will most likely go up against Heavy Rain for “Best Thriller Game” of 2010.

Catch the screenshots and E3 trailer after the jump.

It’s developed by Remedy Studios, exclusive to Xbox 360.

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E3 2009: Modern Warfare 2 – Screenshots (+ Pre-E3 Trailer)

Posted in E3 2009, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 with tags , , , , , , on June 6, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

Modern Warfare 2

Modern Warfare 2 is probably the most antcipated sequel this year. No doubt there will be worldwide midnight launches when it releases worldwide on November 10th on PS3 & 360. However, before that, Infinity Ward want to build the hype by giving you a couple of screenshots for the game, which you can find after the jump.

Oh, and for good measure, we’ve also uploaded the trailer shown the week before E3, catch that after the break as well.

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E3 2009: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves – E3 Trailer

Posted in E3 2009 with tags , , , , , , on June 6, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen


Everything you love about Drake’s Fortune is almost certainly gonna be back, if this trailer proves anything. The gameplay and graphics are imrpoved and brillant from the looks of it, but from a story standpoint? How does the return of Elena and Sully sound? Good? Great.

Should make for one interesting cat fight anyways.

Naughty Dog release the game this Autumn for PLAYSTATION 3, catch the E3 screenshots here

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E3 2009: Metal Gear Solid: Rising – E3 Debut Trailer

Posted in E3 2009, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 with tags , , , , , , on June 6, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen


If it wasn’t for Natal or Final Fantasy XIV, this would have been the biggest megaton of E3 most likely. A brand new MGS game, nothing new there. But coming to Xbox 360? MEGATON! Of course, it’s coming to PS3 as well, thanks to confirmation from Konami on Wednesday.

Still, no harm in going through that teaser again, is there?

No date yet though, not even roughly. Cologne? Na, Tokyo Games Show is the next we think you’ll hear something from this.

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E3 2009: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves – Screenshots

Posted in E3 2009, PlayStation 3 with tags , , , , , on June 6, 2009 by Jonathan Cullen

Nathan Drake’s been through hell since Drake’s Fortune, but now he aims to be rid of his demons in Uncharted 2: Among Thives.

It’s coming out in the Fall, but we have some screens for you to look at after the jump. However, we also have a video inbound: the trailer. Keep an eye out for that one, and also keep an eye out for our impressions of the multiplayer beta, which is incoming.

Till then, the screens are below.

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