Archive for January, 2008

Wii Review: WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2008

Posted in Uncategorized on January 14, 2008 by Jonathan Cullen

Title: Smackdown Vs Raw 2008

Platform: Wii (PS3/Xbox 360/PS2/NDS/Mobile)

Developed By: Yukes

Published By: THQ/Yukes

Rating: 16+

Controls: Wiimote + Nunchuk

Smackdown Vs Raw 2008. It was one of the titles i was looking forward to owning after i seen how it worked on Wii on a video on YouTube. Well disappointed is an understatement. The controls is the only plus of the game. I enjoyed the controls of the game they were the main reason i haven’t slated the game altogether. The Mii’s play a 0.01% in the game only appearing when you want to play under a certain Mii and when your playing in story mode which was a joke. The story mode was a joke once you get started you play a number of super stars(note i played with a CAW so it may be different for others ). This is where the probelms start after 5 minutes of the game you will get bored playing the same superstars at the same events and arenas. It will seem like the story mode has no end but it does once you win one of the championship belts it will come to an end. Also it doesn’t matter what brand you play with you will end up on all 3 brands and fighting the same old people from when you started. The game is a complete waste of time for story mode so if your looking for an interesting story mode forget it buy it for the other main formats (PS3/PS2/360) because features have been left out of the Wii version that appear on them. These include: Custom music for ring entrances and general manager mode. WWE you pretty much put the Smackdown Vs Raw brand down the toilet.

Review Rating 3/10

Mii Contest Channel Review Coming Soon

Posted in Uncategorized on January 14, 2008 by Jonathan Cullen

Just to let you know i will be reviewing the latest addition to the Wii menu, the Mii contest channel soon for Gamzsone V3, my YouTube page and personal blog which adds onto the already stated reviews of WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2008, Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles and Sonic and The Secret Rings.

I have already finished the reviews of Smackdown Vs Raw 2008 and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and they should be posted soon.

Coloured Wii’s On The Way???

Posted in Uncategorized on January 14, 2008 by Jonathan Cullen

According to, the coloured Wii’s could be coming soon. In the article it shows a picture of a receipt (which is shown below) clearly states “Wii White.”

The picture has gotten Wii owners everywhere talking about the colour wii’s and when they could hit stores in the US or UK. This picture also lacks proof as most high street shops have “Wii White” printed on reciepts when customers buy the sort after console.

Only time will tell if this turns out to be true.

New Wii Colours Coming Sooner, Rather Than Never? [Kotaku]

Johnny Cullen also contributed to this story

[ Ed's Note]: You had no link for your story and you didn’t tag it – Johnny

Gamzsone Announces Partnership with Ubisoft

Posted in Uncategorized on January 14, 2008 by Jonathan Cullen

I’m really amazed how successful it was done and in quick time too, especially on launch day too!

I’m chuffed to announce that Gamzsone has entered into a partnership with Ubisoft, one of the biggest 3rd party developers developers and publishers in the world, who make the gaming series’ Splinter Cell, Prince of Persia and Rayman with most recent success from new IP from Ubisoft Montreal, Assassins Creed and an upcoming publishing deal with Free Radical, the makers of the Timesplitters franchise, for the Playstation 3 exclusive, Haze.

As part of the deal, as a personal favour, community coordinator on the Ubisoft Community Forums, Kazz, will host Gamzsone V3 via her own personal server as well as a custom domain (But not or .com or any of that).

We are still finalising details over a personal media relationship so we dont know yet if its going to fall through on its arse or if we’ll get it but I’m really chuffed that one of Ubisoft’s elite has helped us out.

As well as that, I’m in talks with SCEE over a media relationship with their forums community coorinator, Lestrade. Ironiclly enough, Kazz used to work as a community forums moderator on the SCEE forums before leaving for Ubisoft.

Thats all I can say at this time but it’s good news all round.

Jack Thompson Shoots His Mouth Again…at Buzz?

Posted in Uncategorized on January 14, 2008 by Jonathan Cullen

In articles published by the Daily Mail and The Telegraph this morning, US Lawyer/anti Videogame activist/crazy nutjob/dickhead retard, Jack Thompson has let loose again his mouth…on Buzz…thats right…Buzz.

Sony recently released Buzz! The Schools Quiz for the Playstation 2 to sell around schools in the UK which means it aint going to be the most violent game in the world…and Thompson still bad mouths it!

Videogames have hurt far more people than they have helped

Does he stop? I think we all know the answer to that…

I don’t see how they can be of any more benefit than normal teaching.

But guess what? For once, somebody agrees with him!

Educational psychologist Jane Healy:

If you watch kids on a computer, most of them are just hitting keys or moving the mouse as fast as they can. It reminds me of rats running in a maze.

Why did you have to drop the courtcase you got on him on Bully, Rockstar :(

Thompson criticises Buzz! for schools [Eurogamer]

DayNote: Add St. Joes to Your Devil List

Posted in Uncategorized on January 14, 2008 by Jonathan Cullen

From: Johnny
To: Ryan
Subject: N/A

I thought that although we’re going to try and be as original as possible, we steal one thing at least. So I stole this from Kotaku :p

Anyways, how on earth are you posting from school (Especially if Mc’Bride or whoever you do I.T. with catches you XD). I thought they’d block Blogger from the C2K systems?

Unless your posting from home but then you’d have more tests considering your in 6th form now…

Meh, never mind.

Heres what you missed while doing tests:

Sam & Max Coming to Wii?
New Team Fortress 2 Maps Coming…But Unconfirmed for PS3 & 360

BTW, if you can, can you take over between 7 & 9?

YES I Made Launch

Posted in Uncategorized on January 14, 2008 by Jonathan Cullen

Well, i said i wouldn’t be able to make launch but i wasn’t going to but i have taken a break to write this and welcome yall to Gamzsone V3 (again). So its here after the “2 years” of planning said by Johnny but whatever he says to hype up a project designed by him. The hype for this is like the hype for Halo 3 and that was years. But hey enough of the shots at Johnny. I’m happy to be back and the fact i dont have to see Johnny every time we wanted to do something to the site is great as we can update the site without having to see each other because it would end up like Gamzsone V2 and that was bad.

Welcome and Enjoy.

A Few Things

Posted in Uncategorized on January 14, 2008 by Jonathan Cullen

Now, of course, we aren’t on Freewebs anymore so things are slightly different this time. We had pages cluttered with reviews and previews but it was mostly news we posted instead of reviews (hence why the decision for a blog instead of a site)

Now of course, we will have the odd preview and article now and then, but it is a mostly news and review site this time round but even then, the reviews wont be as frequent. So thats why a timetable has been set.

On Monday – Thursday, we post news like normal but if me, Ryan or Brendan decide to do an article on something, we’ll do it. Friday is the same as above only we’ll add 3 reviews to the site, one for all 3 consoles (Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii)

On Saturday night, we’ll post our sort of onmibus, news stories of the week just. And Sunday is a day off basically unless we’re bored out of our heads and do an article.

As for The Gamzsone V3 Show, that’ll be back too with a new episode being made sometime within the start of March (Rounding up what happened at GDC next month) and The Gamzsone V3 Podcast will be back as well with me, Ryan and Brendan doing the podcast on what has happened over the month, with the podcast being released every last Sunday of the month.

Well, thats about it.

Left 4 Dead Due in the Summer

Posted in Uncategorized on January 14, 2008 by Jonathan Cullen

After talking to them about new maps and achievements on Team Fortress 2, Shacknews then hit on Valve’s new IP, Left 4 Dead, due on the PC and Xbox 360 sometime this year, infact, they confirmed that late this summer is that sometime for the game as that will be apparently when the game is released. So far, there has been only a teaser trailer which you’ll probably see lying about on YouTube or if you have The Orange Box for the 360, you’ll see a trailer for it.

Left 4 Dead sees you take part in a co-op story of 4 people where…well zombies + guns = you should get the gist of it.

And just last week, it was announced that the developer behind L4D, Turtle Rock Studios, was now a in-house developer of Valve as it was bought by the studio, mostly known for the Hal Life and Counter Strike series as well as supermassive smash hit from The Orange Box, Portal.

While I dont think I’ll be getting L4D (Hey, I was shitting my pants enough through Ravenholm in HL2 in The Orange Box), it does look like one of the must have games of the year…

Left 4 Dead Rising in Late Summer [Shacknews]

Sam & Max Coming to the Wii?

Posted in Uncategorized on January 14, 2008 by Jonathan Cullen

According to a press release by developer JoWooD Germany, a adventure is the works for Sam & Max, them loveable critters who have games released as episodes and seasons for the PC, just like that crazy TV show 24.

Its being developed for the Nintendo Wii but when Eurogamer tried to get ahold of their UK branch, nothing was said about it.
Someone shooting the runner?
Still Ryan should be a happy bunny (No pun intended)